You Can't Take it With You
You Can't Take it With You (1936) is a farce containing social satire by American playwrights George Kaufman (1889-1961) [1] and Moss Hart (1904-1961) [2].
Performance history in South Africa
1939: Presented by the Johannesburg Playmakers, 1939, starring Juel Rodack, Minnie Jedwick, Mike Abel, Henry Gilbert, Esther Lutrin and others.
1943: Produced by Costa Couvara for the Cape Town Repertory Theatre Society in the Little Theatre in 1943. The cast: Alec Bell, Madeline Legge, Phil Gilbert, Gordon Bridger, Marie Adams, Isaac Pfaff, Pat Faraday, Phyllis Weinrich, Jim Retief, Joan Blake, Leonard Cohen.
1972: Produced at the Brooke Theatre.
1976: Directed by Mavis Taylor for the University of Cape Town Drama Department at the Little Theatre 10-24 April. Cast included Robin Smith, Shirley Johnston, Alan Dickinson, Clifford Lilley and Joan Chamberlain.
Produced by the Durban Catholic Players Guild directed by Malcolm Woolfson, date and venue unknown.
Translations and adaptations
The South African Theatre, Music and Dance, 1(2), 1939-1940.
Trek 7(19):16 1943; 7(21):16, 1943.
Folder containing correspondence, notes etc relating to the Durban Catholic Players Guild production of You Can't Take it with You held by NELM: [Collection: WOOLFSON, Malcolm L]: 1999. 113. 13. 3. 1
World Drama by Allardyce Nicoll. Harrap, 1949.
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