Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, by Tennessee Williams. Directed by Barney Simon for Baxter Company '80 Production in 1980, with Aletta Bezuidenhout, Wilson Dunster, Linda Harris, Barbara Maguire, Joe Stewardson, Norman Coombes, Richard Cox, Don Maguire, Maeve Slemon, Candice Fuchs, Lisa Farber, Richard Kilpert, Jason Kay, Renault Kay.

Presented by PACT at the State Theatre in August 1982, directed by Aubrey Berg. Starring Lena Farugia, Ron Smerczak, Victor Winding, Paddy Canavan, Rika Sennett, David Crichton, Norman Coombes. Costumes and sets by Chris van den Berg.

Performed as Katvoet oor die Kole by PACT in 1988.


Barrow, Brian & Williams-Short, Yvonne (eds.). 1988. Theatre Alive! The Baxter Story 1977-1987.

PACT theatre pamphlet.

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