The Grand Ceremonial

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Le Grand Cérémonial. Cérémonie pour un Noir Assassiné is a French play by Fernando Arrabal Terán (1932-*) [1].

Often referred to simply as Le Grand Cérémonial or as El Gran Ceremonials in Spanish.

Performed in Paris at the Théâtre des Mathurins, opening on 15 March, 1966, directed by Georges Vitaly (1917-2007)[].

Published in French as Le Grand Cérémonial. Cérémonie pour un Noir Assassiné in Fernado Arrabal Théâtre III by Julliard, Paris (and again in Volume 3 of Théâtre, Fernando Arrabal by C. Bourgois in 1968.)

Translated into English from the French as The Grand Ceremonial by Barbara Wright and published in the collection Plays. Fernando Arrabal by Calder & Boyars in 1967.

Filmed in French as Le grand ceremonial[2] in 1969, directed by Pierre-Alain Jolivet, and released in English as Weird Weirdo (1969)

Performance history in South Africa

1984: Performed on the National Arts Festival Fringe, starring Lindsay Reardon, Reza de Wet, Denys Webb, Di Dodds.

1991: Lindsay Reardon directed another production that was presented at the National Arts Festival Fringe, starring himself, Diane de Marigny, Zane Hannan and Cal Volks.


National Arts Festival programmes, 1984 and 1991.

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