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[[T.S. Blues|Blues, T.S.]] 1995. Drama as a means of facilitating adult learning in rural areas: South African case studies at Akanani. Unpublished master’s thesis. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand.
[[T.S. Blues|Blues, T.S.]] 1995. Drama as a means of facilitating adult learning in rural areas: South African case studies at Akanani. Unpublished master’s thesis. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand.
Blumberg, Marcia 1991.  Languages of violence:  Fugard's ''Boesman and Lena'', in ''Violence in Drama''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 239-249.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1991.  Languages of violence:  Fugard's ''Boesman and Lena'', in ''Violence in Drama''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 239-249.
Blumberg, Marcia 1992.  Athol Fugard: texts and contexts: Athol Fugard : a bibliography, compiled by John Read. Reviewed in: ''World Literature Written in English'', 32(2):165-168.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1992.  Athol Fugard: texts and contexts: Athol Fugard : a bibliography, compiled by John Read. Reviewed in: ''World Literature Written in English'', 32(2):165-168.
Blumberg, Marcia 1993. Fragmentation and psychosis: Fugard's  ''My children!  My Africa!'' in ''Madness in Drama''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 241-253.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1993. Fragmentation and psychosis: Fugard's  ''My children!  My Africa!'' in ''Madness in Drama''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 241-253.
Blumberg, Marcia 1994. Women journeying at the South African margins: Athol Fugard's ''The Road to Mecca'', in Davis, Geoffrey V. (ed.). ''Southern African Writing: Voyages and Explorations''.  Amsterdam: Rodopi. 39-50.  
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1994. Women journeying at the South African margins: Athol Fugard's ''The Road to Mecca'', in Davis, Geoffrey V. (ed.). ''Southern African Writing: Voyages and Explorations''.  Amsterdam: Rodopi. 39-50.  
Blumberg, Marcia 1995. Re-evaluating otherness, building for difference: South African theatre after the interregnum. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 9(2):27-37.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1995. Re-evaluating otherness, building for difference: South African theatre after the interregnum. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 9(2):27-37.
Blumberg, Marcia 1996. Negotiating the in-between: Fugard's ''Valley Song''. ''Journal of Literary Studies'', 12(4):456-469.  
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1996. Negotiating the in-between: Fugard's ''Valley Song''. ''Journal of Literary Studies'', 12(4):456-469.  
Blumberg, Marcia 1997. ''More Market plays'', ed. by John Kani; ''Mooi Street and other moves'', by Paul Slabolepsky. Reviewed in: ''Theatre Journal'', 49(1):85-87.  
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1997. ''More Market plays'', ed. by John Kani; ''Mooi Street and other moves'', by Paul Slabolepsky. Reviewed in: ''Theatre Journal'', 49(1):85-87.  
Blumberg, Marcia 1997. Staging AIDS: activating theatres. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 11(1&2):155-181.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1997. Staging AIDS: activating theatres. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 11(1&2):155-181.
Blumberg, Marcia 1997. Two continents, no refuge: engendering the problematics of home. ''Performance Research'', 2(3):30-44.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1997. Two continents, no refuge: engendering the problematics of home. ''Performance Research'', 2(3):30-44.
Blumberg, Marcia 1998. Domestic place as contestatory space: the kitchen as catalyst and crucible. ''New Theatre Quarterly'', 14(3):195-201.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1998. Domestic place as contestatory space: the kitchen as catalyst and crucible. ''New Theatre Quarterly'', 14(3):195-201.
Blumberg, Marcia 1998. Performing bulimia, engendering dis-ease in the South African body politic: Janine Denison's ''All the Rage''. ''Contemporary Theatre Review'', 9(3):19-35.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1998. Performing bulimia, engendering dis-ease in the South African body politic: Janine Denison's ''All the Rage''. ''Contemporary Theatre Review'', 9(3):19-35.
Blumberg, Marcia 1998. Re-staging resistance, re-viewing women: 1990s productions of Fugard's ''Hello and Goodbye'' and ''Boesman and Lena'', in Colleran, Jeanne & Spencer, Jenny (eds.). ''Staging Resistance: Essays on Political Theatre''. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. 123-145.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1998. Re-staging resistance, re-viewing women: 1990s productions of Fugard's ''Hello and Goodbye'' and ''Boesman and Lena'', in Colleran, Jeanne & Spencer, Jenny (eds.). ''Staging Resistance: Essays on Political Theatre''. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. 123-145.
Blumberg, Marcia 1999. The AIDS memorial quilt as performance: creating healing narratives, in Haldan, Duncan & Loppert, Susan (eds.). ''The Arts in Health Care: Learning From Experience''.  London: King’s Fund. 58-68.  
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1999. The AIDS memorial quilt as performance: creating healing narratives, in Haldan, Duncan & Loppert, Susan (eds.). ''The Arts in Health Care: Learning From Experience''.  London: King’s Fund. 58-68.  
Blumberg, Marcia 1999. Fatima Dike and the struggle: an interview, London, May 1996, in Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds.). ''South African Theatre As/And Intervention''. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 231-240.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1999. Fatima Dike and the struggle: an interview, London, May 1996, in Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds.). ''South African Theatre As/And Intervention''. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 231-240.
Blumberg, Marcia 1999. More realities: an interview with Reza de Wet, London, 1 September 1996, in Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds.). ''South African Theatre As/And Intervention''. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 241-251.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1999. More realities: an interview with Reza de Wet, London, 1 September 1996, in Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds.). ''South African Theatre As/And Intervention''. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 241-251.
Blumberg, Marcia 1999. Revaluing women’s storytelling in South African theatre, in Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds.). ''South African Theatre As/And Intervention''. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 137-146.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 1999. Revaluing women’s storytelling in South African theatre, in Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds.). ''South African Theatre As/And Intervention''. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 137-146.
Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds,). 1999. ''South African Theatre As/And Intervention''. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] & Walder, Dennis (eds,). 1999. ''South African Theatre As/And Intervention''. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Blumberg, Marcia 2000. Re-membering history, staging hybridity: Ubu and the Truth Commission, in Wylie, Hal & Lindfors, Bernth (eds.). ''Multiculturalism and Hybridity in African Literatures''. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press. 309-318.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 2000. Re-membering history, staging hybridity: Ubu and the Truth Commission, in Wylie, Hal & Lindfors, Bernth (eds.). ''Multiculturalism and Hybridity in African Literatures''. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press. 309-318.
Blumberg, Marcia 2001. Puppets doing time in the age of AIDS, in Haedicke, Susan & Nellhaus, Tobin (eds.). ''Performing Democracy: International Perspectives on Urban Community-based Performance''. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.  254-268.  
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 2001. Puppets doing time in the age of AIDS, in Haedicke, Susan & Nellhaus, Tobin (eds.). ''Performing Democracy: International Perspectives on Urban Community-based Performance''. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.  254-268.  
Blumberg, Marcia 2002 Introduction to Fatima Dike’s ''Glass House'', in Banham, Martin, Gibbs, James & Osofisan, Femi (eds.).; Plastow, Jane (reviews ed.), ''African theatre''. Women. Oxford: James Curry. 132-133.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 2002 Introduction to Fatima Dike’s ''Glass House'', in Banham, Martin, Gibbs, James & Osofisan, Femi (eds.).; Plastow, Jane (reviews ed.), ''African theatre''. Women. Oxford: James Curry. 132-133.
Blumberg, Marcia 2002. Mapping counter truths and reconciliations: staging testimony in contemporary South Africa, in Maufort, Marc & Bellarsi, Franca (eds.). ''Crucible of Cultures: Anglophone Drama at the Dawn of a New Millennium''. Brussels. P.I.E. Peter Lang. 271-284.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 2002. Mapping counter truths and reconciliations: staging testimony in contemporary South Africa, in Maufort, Marc & Bellarsi, Franca (eds.). ''Crucible of Cultures: Anglophone Drama at the Dawn of a New Millennium''. Brussels. P.I.E. Peter Lang. 271-284.
Blumberg, Marcia 2009. South African theatre beyond 2000: theatricalising the unspeakable. ''Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa'', 21(1&2):238-260.
[[Marcia Blumberg|Blumberg, Marcia]] 2009. South African theatre beyond 2000: theatricalising the unspeakable. ''Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa'', 21(1&2):238-260.
Blumer, Arnold 1977. Betrokke literatuur: die dokumentêre drama. ''Standpunte'', 30(4)-(5): August-October.
[[Arnold Blumer|Blumer, Arnold]] 1977. Betrokke literatuur: die dokumentêre drama. ''Standpunte'', 30(4)-(5): August-October.
Blumer Arnold 1983.Brecht in South Africa. ''Communications from the International Brecht Society'', 13(1):30-38.  
[[Arnold Blumer|Blumer, Arnold]] 1983.Brecht in South Africa. ''Communications from the International Brecht Society'', 13(1):30-38.  
Blumer, Arnold 1989a. ''Oog en Spel – Opstelle oor die Drama'' by Rina Pretorius. Reviewed in: ''South African Theatre Journal'', 3(1):105-107.
[[Arnold Blumer|Blumer, Arnold]] 1989a. ''Oog en Spel – Opstelle oor die Drama'' by Rina Pretorius. Reviewed in: ''South African Theatre Journal'', 3(1):105-107.
Blumer, Arnold 1989b States of emergency:  Some thoughts on Brecht’s Fear and Misery in the Third Reich. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 3(1):39-54.
[[Arnold Blumer|Blumer, Arnold]] 1989b States of emergency:  Some thoughts on Brecht’s Fear and Misery in the Third Reich. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 3(1):39-54.
Blumer, Arnold 1990. ''Organise and Act'' by Astrid von Kotze. Reviewed in: ''South African Theatre Journal'', 4(2):112-113.
[[Arnold Blumer|Blumer, Arnold]] 1990. ''Organise and Act'' by Astrid von Kotze. Reviewed in: ''South African Theatre Journal'', 4(2):112-113.
Blumer, Arnold. 1991. Hoe om lewe te blaas in ’n lyk. ''Vrye Weekblad''. 4 Oktober 1991.
[[Arnold Blumer|Blumer, Arnold]] 1991. Hoe om lewe te blaas in ’n lyk. ''Vrye Weekblad''. 4 Oktober 1991.
Blumer, Arnold 1995 Die Duitse kabaret:  ‘n Beknopte oorsig. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 9(1):53-68.
[[Arnold Blumer|Blumer, Arnold]] 1995 Die Duitse kabaret:  ‘n Beknopte oorsig. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 9(1):53-68.
Blumer, Arnold 1996. The future of the performing arts councils in a new South Africa, in Davis, Geoffrey V. & Fuchs, Anne (eds.) ''Theatre and Change in South Africa''. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishing. 260-271.
[[Arnold Blumer|Blumer, Arnold]] 1996. The future of the performing arts councils in a new South Africa, in Davis, Geoffrey V. & Fuchs, Anne (eds.) ''Theatre and Change in South Africa''. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishing. 260-271.
Blumer, Arnold 1998. Bertolt Brecht’s 100th Anniversary. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 12(1&2):208-211.
[[Arnold Blumer|Blumer, Arnold]] 1998. Bertolt Brecht’s 100th Anniversary. ''South African Theatre Journal'', 12(1&2):208-211.

Revision as of 16:17, 17 December 2010

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Blues, T.S. 1995. Drama as a means of facilitating adult learning in rural areas: South African case studies at Akanani. Unpublished master’s thesis. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand.

Blumberg, Marcia 1991. Languages of violence: Fugard's Boesman and Lena, in Violence in Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 239-249.

Blumberg, Marcia 1992. Athol Fugard: texts and contexts: Athol Fugard : a bibliography, compiled by John Read. Reviewed in: World Literature Written in English, 32(2):165-168.

Blumberg, Marcia 1993. Fragmentation and psychosis: Fugard's My children! My Africa! in Madness in Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 241-253.

Blumberg, Marcia 1994. Women journeying at the South African margins: Athol Fugard's The Road to Mecca, in Davis, Geoffrey V. (ed.). Southern African Writing: Voyages and Explorations. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 39-50.

Blumberg, Marcia 1995. Re-evaluating otherness, building for difference: South African theatre after the interregnum. South African Theatre Journal, 9(2):27-37.

Blumberg, Marcia 1996. Negotiating the in-between: Fugard's Valley Song. Journal of Literary Studies, 12(4):456-469.

Blumberg, Marcia 1997. More Market plays, ed. by John Kani; Mooi Street and other moves, by Paul Slabolepsky. Reviewed in: Theatre Journal, 49(1):85-87.

Blumberg, Marcia 1997. Staging AIDS: activating theatres. South African Theatre Journal, 11(1&2):155-181.

Blumberg, Marcia 1997. Two continents, no refuge: engendering the problematics of home. Performance Research, 2(3):30-44.

Blumberg, Marcia 1998. Domestic place as contestatory space: the kitchen as catalyst and crucible. New Theatre Quarterly, 14(3):195-201.

Blumberg, Marcia 1998. Performing bulimia, engendering dis-ease in the South African body politic: Janine Denison's All the Rage. Contemporary Theatre Review, 9(3):19-35.

Blumberg, Marcia 1998. Re-staging resistance, re-viewing women: 1990s productions of Fugard's Hello and Goodbye and Boesman and Lena, in Colleran, Jeanne & Spencer, Jenny (eds.). Staging Resistance: Essays on Political Theatre. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. 123-145.

Blumberg, Marcia 1999. The AIDS memorial quilt as performance: creating healing narratives, in Haldan, Duncan & Loppert, Susan (eds.). The Arts in Health Care: Learning From Experience. London: King’s Fund. 58-68.

Blumberg, Marcia 1999. Fatima Dike and the struggle: an interview, London, May 1996, in Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds.). South African Theatre As/And Intervention. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 231-240.

Blumberg, Marcia 1999. More realities: an interview with Reza de Wet, London, 1 September 1996, in Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds.). South African Theatre As/And Intervention. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 241-251.

Blumberg, Marcia 1999. Revaluing women’s storytelling in South African theatre, in Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds.). South African Theatre As/And Intervention. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 137-146.

Blumberg, Marcia & Walder, Dennis (eds,). 1999. South African Theatre As/And Intervention. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Blumberg, Marcia 2000. Re-membering history, staging hybridity: Ubu and the Truth Commission, in Wylie, Hal & Lindfors, Bernth (eds.). Multiculturalism and Hybridity in African Literatures. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press. 309-318.

Blumberg, Marcia 2001. Puppets doing time in the age of AIDS, in Haedicke, Susan & Nellhaus, Tobin (eds.). Performing Democracy: International Perspectives on Urban Community-based Performance. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 254-268.

Blumberg, Marcia 2002 Introduction to Fatima Dike’s Glass House, in Banham, Martin, Gibbs, James & Osofisan, Femi (eds.).; Plastow, Jane (reviews ed.), African theatre. Women. Oxford: James Curry. 132-133.

Blumberg, Marcia 2002. Mapping counter truths and reconciliations: staging testimony in contemporary South Africa, in Maufort, Marc & Bellarsi, Franca (eds.). Crucible of Cultures: Anglophone Drama at the Dawn of a New Millennium. Brussels. P.I.E. Peter Lang. 271-284.

Blumberg, Marcia 2009. South African theatre beyond 2000: theatricalising the unspeakable. Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa, 21(1&2):238-260.

Blumer, Arnold 1977. Betrokke literatuur: die dokumentêre drama. Standpunte, 30(4)-(5): August-October.

Blumer, Arnold 1983.Brecht in South Africa. Communications from the International Brecht Society, 13(1):30-38.

Blumer, Arnold 1989a. Oog en Spel – Opstelle oor die Drama by Rina Pretorius. Reviewed in: South African Theatre Journal, 3(1):105-107.

Blumer, Arnold 1989b States of emergency: Some thoughts on Brecht’s Fear and Misery in the Third Reich. South African Theatre Journal, 3(1):39-54.

Blumer, Arnold 1990. Organise and Act by Astrid von Kotze. Reviewed in: South African Theatre Journal, 4(2):112-113.

Blumer, Arnold 1991. Hoe om lewe te blaas in ’n lyk. Vrye Weekblad. 4 Oktober 1991.

Blumer, Arnold 1995 Die Duitse kabaret: ‘n Beknopte oorsig. South African Theatre Journal, 9(1):53-68.

Blumer, Arnold 1996. The future of the performing arts councils in a new South Africa, in Davis, Geoffrey V. & Fuchs, Anne (eds.) Theatre and Change in South Africa. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishing. 260-271.

Blumer, Arnold 1998. Bertolt Brecht’s 100th Anniversary. South African Theatre Journal, 12(1&2):208-211.

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