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[[Die Paddas| Paddas, Die]] 
[[Die Padda
[[The Pageant of Union| Pageant of Union, The]]
[[The Pageant of South Africa| Pageant of South Africa. The]]
[[Pageant of South Africa]]
[[The Pain|Pain, The]]
[[Die Pakkamer| Pakkamer, Die]]
[[‘n Pakkie van Gister| Pakkie van Gister, ‘n]]
[[Palang van Dwaal]]
[[Pale Natives]]   
[[Die Pantoffelmoordenaars| Pantoffelmoordenaars, Die]]
[[Pantsula Township Jive]]
[[Papadi tse kopana]]
[[The Paper Knife| Paper Knife, The]]
[[Die Papegaaivrou| Papegaaivrou, Die]]
[[PaperBoy]] (Jacobs)
[[Die Papiermes|Papiermes, Die]]
[[Paquito, Die Slim Hasie]] 
[[A Parable|Parable, A]]
[[The Parable of Worms|Parable of Worms, The]]
[[Paradise is Closing Down]]
[[Paradise is Closing Down (Revisited)]]
[[Die Paradysboot| Paradysboot, Die]]
[[Pardon Meneer]]
[[The Parents|Parents, The]]
[[Die Park| Park, Die]]
[[Die Parrot Woman| Parrot Woman, Die]]
[[A Party for Mother| Party for Mother, A]]
[[Die Partytjie| Partytjie, Die]]
[[The Parys Puppet Band|Parys Puppet Band, The]] (Van der Merwe) 
[[Pas de Deux]]
[[The Pass|Pass, The]]
[[The Passion| Passion, The]]
[[Passport to Limbo]]
[[Pat Mulholland’s Day]]
[[Die Patatta|Patatta, Die]]
[[The Patriot| Patriot, The]] 
[[Patriot’s Pie]]
[[Patrone op die Sand]]
[[Patty Hearst]]
[[Paul Kruger]]
[[The Paulson Story| Paulson Story, The]]
[[Peace and Forgive]] 
[[Peace in the Valley]]
[[The Peacemaker| Peacemaker, The]]
[[The Pearl|Pearl, The]]
[[Peeling Oranges]]
[[The Peepshow of 1945| Peepshow of 1945, The]]
[[Die Pelgrim se Reis| Pelgrim se Reis, Die]]
[[Pelo e ja serati]]
[[Pelo e ntsho]] 
[[Pelo ya monna]]
[[The Pen|Pen, The]]
[[Pendoring (Edms) Beperk]]
[[Pendoring & Kie]]
[[Pendoring en Seun]]
[[Pendoring & Seun]]
[[Die Pennelekkers| Pennelekkers, Die]]
[[The Pennywhistle Blues|Pennywhistle Blues, The]]
[[Pennyworth of Dreams]]
[[People are Living There]]
[[Die Pêrels| Pêrels, Die]]
[[The Perfect Circle]] (Higginson) '''See [[Little Foot]]'''
[[The Perfect Vehicle| Perfect Vehicle, The]]
[[The Performers Travel Guide| Performers Travel Guide, The]]
[[Periandros van Korinthe]]
[[Perlemoen my Ghoen]]
[[Perske vir ‘n Pond/Rand]]
[[Personal Column]]
[[The Pervert Laura|Pervert Laura, The]]
[[Die Peswolk| Peswolk, Die]]
[[Peter, the Cat and the Magic Woods]]
[[Die Pettie-Krie Koei| Pettie-Krie Koei, Die]]
[[Piano Man]]
[[Pickled Onions]] 
[[Piekniek by Dingaan]]
[[Piekniek op die Slagveld]]
[[Die Pienk Uniform| Pienk Uniform, Die]]
[[Die Pienk Varkie| Pienk Varkie, Die]]
[[Piet en die Passion Flower]]
[[Piet Neulpotjie]]
[[Piet Retief]]
[[Piet s’n Tante]]
[[Piet se Tante]]
[[Pieter Barnard L.V.]]
[[Pieter en die Wolf]] 
[[Pieter se Troue]]
[[Pieter-Dirk Eish!]]
[[The Pigeon with the Silver Foot| Pigeon with the Silver Foot, The]]
[[Pigs on Passion]]
[[Pikkewouters van Amperstamperland]]
[[Pippie Langkous se Avonture]]
[[Pippi Langstrump]]
[[The Pirate’s Treasure| Pirate’s Treasure, The]]
[[Die Pistool| Pistool, Die]]
[[Pitso ea linonyana]]
[[Pity About People]]
[[Die Plaasvervangers| Plaasvervangers, Die]]
[[A Place of Safety| Place of Safety, A]]
[[A Place with the Pigs, A Personal Parable| Place with the Pigs, A Personal Parable, A]]
[[The Plague| Plague, The]]
[[Planet Perth]]
[[Plaston: DNS-Kind]]
[[Platform 9]]
[[Play Bronte]]
[[Play with your Food]]
[[The Playground| Playground, The]]
[[Playland]] (Fugard)
[[A Playmate for our Little Lord| Playmate for our Little Lord, A]]
[[The Play’s the Thing| Play’s the Thing, The]]
[[Die Pleegdogter| Pleegdogter, Die]]
[[Please Hold, I'm Coming]]
[[Please tell us what's going on, please!]]
[[Die Pluimsaad Waai Vêr| Pluimsaad Waai Vêr, Die]]
[[The Poggenpoel Sisters| Poggenpoel Sisters, The]]
[[Point Rd 303]]
[[Policy for Murder]]
[[Political Joke]]
[[Political Joke 11]]
[[Ponkie en Sy Donkie]]
[[Poor Dear Mrs. Smith]]
[[Poor Ma]]
[[Die Pop|Pop, Die]]
[[Pop Goes the Queen]]
[[‘n Pophuis| Pophuis, ‘n]] 
[[Poppe te Koop]] 
[[‘n Poppebruilof| Poppebruilof, ‘n]]
[[‘n Poppekasstorie: Ek’s ‘n Dapper Wolf| Poppekasstorie: Ek’s ‘n Dapper Wolf, ‘n]]
[[Poppie Nongena]]
[[Poppie Nongena’s Long Journey]]
[[The Porno Shoppe| Porno Shoppe, The]] 
[[‘n Porsie Wit Vleis| Porsie Wit Vleis, ‘n]]
[[A Portfolio of Oddities| Portfolio of Oddities, A]]
[[Portret in Swart en Wit]]
[[Portuguese Match]]
[[+Positive People]]
[[Post Mortem]]
[[Postage Stamps]]
[[‘n Pot Vol Winte|Pot Vol Winter, ‘n]]
[[Die Potlooddief en die Engel| Potlooddief en die Engel, Die]]
[[Pots, Puns and Piccolos]]
[[Pous Johanna II]]
[[Powdered Water]]
[[Praat van die Duiwel]]
[[Pray Don't, Sir George!]]
[[Precious Remnants]]
[[Die President en die Rebel| President en die Rebel, Die]]
[[Prince Senie]]
[[The Princess and the Frog]]
[[Die Prins van Monakatoo| Prins van Monakatoo, Die]]
[[Prinses Jolinde en die Feetjies]]
[[Die Prinses Ponselle| Prinses Ponselle, Die]]
[[Prinses Roselyn]]
[[Die Prinsipaal van Kromvlei| Prinsipaal van Kromvlei, Die]]
[[Prinsloo Versus]]
[[Die Prisonier| Prisonier, Die]]
[[Private Universe]]
[[Private Venture]]
[[Private Ward]]
[[Die Profeet| Profeet, Die]]
[[Een Progressief|Progressief, Een]]
[[Een Progressief (Zoals men er meer vindt)|Progressief (Zoals men er meer vindt), Een]]
[[Promised Land of Balalatladi]]
[[The Prophet|Prophet, The]] ([[Brett Bailey]] and cast )
[[A Prophet in his Home| Prophet in his Home, A]]
[[Die Proponentjie| Proponentjie, Die]]
[[Proposals and Disposals]]
[[The Prosecution| Prosecution, The]]
[[The Protegé| Protegé, The]]
[[Die Protes| Protes, Die]]
[[Prunella Penguin]]
[[Die Prys|Prys, Die]]
[[Prys vir ‘n Meisie]]
[[Psychodelic Cowboy and Sister Nun]]
[[The Pump Room|Pump Room, The]]
[[Puns and Woedie]]
[[Punt in die Wind]]
[[Puppet's Party]]
[[A Puppet Circus]]
[[Puppet Orchestra]]
[[The Purple Happening| Purple Happening, The]]
[[Puso ya ga Kgosi Faro]]
[[Die Put|Put, Die]]
[[Puzzle of a Popstar]]
Return to [[South_African_Theatre/Plays]]
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Revision as of 07:20, 22 September 2015