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==The list==
[[Marensia Lötter|Lötter, Marensia]] 1994. An ecosystemic approach to psychodrama : aesthetics and pragmatics. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
Lötter, Marensia 1994. An ecosystemic approach to psychodrama : aesthetics and pragmatics. Pretoria: University of South Africa. (M.A. thesis).
[[Alida Elizabeth Loubser|Loubser, Alida Elizabeth]] 1977. [[Gerhard J. Beukes|Gerhard Beukes]] as dramaturg. Unpublished master’s thesis. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State.
Loubser, Alida Elizabeth 1977. Gerhard Beukes as dramaturg. Bloemfontein: Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat. (M.A. thesis).
[[Alida Elizabeth Loubser|Loubser, Alida Elizabeth]] 1978. Aspekte van [[Gerhard J. Beukes]] se dramakuns. ''Acta Academica B'', 11:36-62.
Loubser, Alida Elizabeth 1978. Aspekte van Gerhard J. Beukes se dramakuns. Acta academica B, 11: 36-62.
[[A. Louw|Louw, A.]] 1972. Location of theatres in central Cape Town: 1781-1972. ''Plan'', 57(8):11-12. August.
Louw, A. 1972. Location of theatres in central Cape Town: 1781-1972. Plan, 57(8): 11-12. August.
[[Chris Louw|Louw, Chris]] 1988. Ballingskap en banaliteit: skrywers en boeke. (Interview [[Anthony Akerman]]) ''Die Suid-Afrikaan'', 4(26):
Louw, Denise 1997. Architect of freedom theatre: Deon Opperman. Flying Springbok. July: 56-61.
[[Denise Louw|Louw, Denise]] 1997. Architect of freedom theatre: [[Deon Opperman]]. ''Flying Springbok'', July:56-61.
Louw, Helena 1989. ‘n Halfeeu op die planke (na aanleiding van die 50-jaar viering van die Akademie vir Dramakuns). De Kat, 5(2): 80-83.
[[Helena Louw|Louw, Helena]] 1989. ‘n Halfeeu op die planke (na aanleiding van die 50-jaar viering van die [[Akademie vir Dramakuns]]). ''De Kat'', 5(2):80-83.
Louw, N.P. van Wyk 1932. Oor toneel. Standpunte, 16(6)-17(1).
[[J.P. Louw|Louw, J.P.]] 1968. ''[[Iphigenia in Aulis|Iphegeneia in Aulis]], by Euripides'' translated into Afrikaans by [[J.P.J. van Rensburg]]. Reviewed in ''[[Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe]]'', 8(3/4):
Louw, P. Eric 1989. State-subsidised theatre following the September 1984 Vaal uprising. South African Theatre Journal, 3(2): 101-115.
[[N.P. van Wyk Louw|Louw, N.P. van Wyk]] 1932. Oor toneel. ''Standpunte'', 16(6)-17(1).
Louw, S. 1984. Nar en sy voorkoms in Bartho Smit se dramas. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 22(2) : 8-11.
[[N.P. van Wyk Louw|Louw, N.P. van Wyk]]  1963. "Die Slag van die Kaapse Vlakte", ''[[Standpunte]]'' 48, Jaargang XVI, Nr 6, Augustus 1963: pp. 2-4.
Louw, S. 1985. ‘Goddelike gereg’: bulhond in Die man met die lyk om sy nek. Standpunte, 38(5) : 37-39.
[[N.P. van Wyk Louw|Louw, N.P. van Wyk]]  1963. "Oor toneel I", ''[[Standpunte]]'' 48, Jaargang XVI, Nr 6, Augustus 1963: pp. 25-30.
Louw, S. 1985. Putsonderwater se Maria: skisofreen? Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 25 : 195-200.
[[P. Eric Louw|Louw, P. Eric]] 1989. State-subsidised theatre following the September 1984 Vaal uprising. ''[[South African Theatre Journal]]'', 3(2):101-115.
Louw, S. 1985. Smit-vertalings. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 23(3) : 55-63.
[[S. Louw|Louw, S.]] 1984. Elemente van spel in [[Bartho Smit]] se dramas. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pietersburg: University of the North.
Louw, Salomi 1986. Koor en illusie in Don Juan onder die Boere. Standpunte, 39(1): 35-38.
[[S. Louw|Louw, S.]] 1984. Nar en sy voorkoms in [[Bartho Smit]] se dramas. ''[[Tydskrif vir Letterkunde]]'', 22(2):8-11.
Louw, Salomi 1988a. Leuens, deur Corlia Fourie. Reviewed in: South African Theatre Journal, 2(1): 67-69.
[[S. Louw|Louw, S.]] 1985. Die ‘goddelike gereg’: Bulhond in ''[[Man met 'n lyk om sy nek|Die Man met die Lyk om sy Nek]]''. ''Standpunte'', 38(5):37-39.
Louw, Salomi 1988b. Moeders en dogters, deur Corlia Fourie. Reviewed in: South African Theatre Journal, 2(1): 70-71.
[[S. Louw|Louw, S.]] 1985. ''[[Putsonderwater]]'' se Maria: skisofreen? ''[[Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe]]'', 25:195-200.
Louw, Salomi 1989. Ruimte in die drama: ‘n uitgebreide terminologie. Tydskrif vir Literatuurwetenskap, 5(3/4): 262-278.
[[S. Louw|Louw, S.]] 1985. Smit-vertalings. ''[[Tydskrif vir Letterkunde]]'', 23(3):55-63.
Louw, Salomi 1991. Die stories agter die storie: Chris Barnard se Piet-my-vrou. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 29(3): 105-116.
[[Salomi Louw|Louw, Salomi]] 1986. Koor en illusie in ''[[Don Juan onder die Boere]]''. ''Standpunte'', 39(1):35-38.
Louw, S. 2006. Ruimte in Brink se Die jogger. Stilet, 18(1) : 1-19.
[[Salomi Louw|Louw, Salomi]] 1988a. ''[[Leuens]]'', deur [[Corlia Fourie]]. Reviewed in: ''[[South African Theatre Journal]]'', 2(1):67-69.
Louw, W.E.G. 1943. Toneel in Suid-Afrika. Huisgenoot, 27(1095): 15. March 19.
[[Salomi Louw|Louw, Salomi]] 1988b. ''[[Moeders en Dogters]]'', deur [[Corlia Fourie]]. Reviewed in: ''[[South African Theatre Journal]]'', 2(1):70-71.
Louw, W.E.G. 1945a. Afrikaanse beroepstoneel. Huisgenoot, 30(1232): 5-7. November 2.
[[Salomi Louw|Louw, Salomi]] 1989. Ruimte in die drama: ‘n uitgebreide terminologie. ''Tydskrif vir Literatuurwetenskap'', 5(3/4):262-278.
Louw, W.E.G. 1945b. Afrikaanse beroepstoneel. Huisgenoot, 30(1233): 11. November 9.
[[Salomi Louw|Louw, Salomi]] 1991. Die stories agter die storie: [[Chris Barnard]] se ''[[Piet-My-Vrou]]''. ''[[Tydskrif vir Letterkunde]]'', 29(3):105-116.
Louw, W.E.G. 1972. W.E.G. Louw oor toneelkritiek: ‘n vraaggesprek. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 12: 151-169. September.
[[Salomi Louw|Louw, Salomi]] 2002. The [[Truth and Reconciliation Commission]] as theatre text. ''Turfwrite'', 3:166-168.
Louw, W.E.G. 1976. Toneeljaar 1975 in die Kaap. Standpunte, 29(1): 50-54. February.
[[Salomi Louw|Louw, Salomi]] 2004. South African theatre and the [[Truth and Reconciliation Commission]], ''in'' Margriet van de Waal and Helen Wilcox, (eds.) ''Experience and identity in recent South African literature: proceeds of an International Colloquium, organised by the Department of English, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 10 January 2003 (CDS research report; no. 22)'', 9-20.
Ludeke, Anet 1995. Die benutting van psigodrama in maatskaplike groepwerk met adolessente in die hersaamgestelde gesin. Pretoria: Universiteit van Suid-Afrika. (M.A. thesis).
[[Salomi Louw|Louw, Salomi]] 2006. Ruimte in [[André P. Brink|Brink]] se ''[[Die Jogger]]''. ''Stilet'', 18(1):1-19.
Luther, C. & Maponya, M. 1984. Problems and possibilities : a discussion on the making of alternative theatre in South Africa. English Academy Review, 2 : 19-32.
[[N.P. van Wyk Louw|Louw, N.P. van Wyk]]  1963. "Die Slag van die Kaapse Vlakte", ''[[Standpunte]]'' 48, Jaargang XVI, Nr 6, Augustus 1963: pp. 2-4.
Luther, C.M. 1987. South African theatre: aspects of the collaborative. Leeds: University of Leeds. (PhD. Thesis).
[[W.E.G. Louw|Louw, W.E.G.]] 1943. Toneel in Suid-Afrika. ''[[Huisgenoot]]'', 27(1095):15. March 19.
Luwes, Nicolaas Johannes  1987. Visuele kommunikasie tydens 'n toneelopvoering.
[[W.E.G. Louw|Louw, W.E.G.]] 1945a. Afrikaanse beroepstoneel. ''[[Huisgenoot]]'', 30(1232):5-7. November 2.
Bloemfontein: Universiteit van die Oranje-Vrystaat. (MA(Drama en Toneelkunde) thesis).
Luwes, Nico 1997.  International Theatreschool Festival, Amsterdam 1996. South African Theatre Journal, 11(1&2):226-231.
[[W.E.G. Louw|Louw, W.E.G.]] 1945b. Afrikaanse beroepstoneel. ''[[Huisgenoot]]'', 30(1233):11. November 9.
[[W.E.G. Louw|Louw, W.E.G.]] 1972. W.E.G. Louw oor toneelkritiek: ‘n vraaggesprek. ''[[Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe]]'', 12:151-169. September.
[[W.E.G. Louw|Louw, W.E.G.]] 1976. Toneeljaar 1975 in die Kaap. ''[[Standpunte]]'', 29(1):50-54. February.
Lowe, William 1929. Scottish drama in South Africa. ''Footlights'', 1(3):16.
[[Anet Ludeke|Ludeke, Anet]] 1995. Die benutting van psigodrama in maatskaplike groepwerk met adolessente in die hersaamgestelde gesin. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pretoria: University of Pretoria.
[[Carola Luther|Luther, Carola]] & [[Isaiah Maishe Maponya|Maponya, M.]] 1984. Problems and possibilities: a discussion on the making of alternative theatre in South Africa. ''English Academy Review'', 2:19-32.
[[C.M. Luther|Luther, C.M.]] 1987. South African theatre: aspects of the collaborative. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Leeds: University of Leeds.
[[Nico Luwes|Luwes, Nico]] 1997.  International Theatreschool Festival, Amsterdam 1996. ''[[South African Theatre Journal]]'', 11(1&2):226-231.
[[Nico Luwes|Luwes, Nico]] and [[Anthea van Jaarsveld|Van Jaarsveld, Anthea]] 2006. [[Deon Opperman]], in ''Perspektief en Profiel : 'n Afrikaanse Literatuurgeskiedenis'', edited by H.P. van Coller. Hatfield, Pretoria: Van Schaik. 3:386-400.
[[Nico Luwes|Luwes, Nicolaas Johannes]]  1987. Visuele kommunikasie tydens 'n toneelopvoering. Unpublished master’s thesis. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State.
[[Nico Luwes|Luwes, Nicolaas Johannes]] 2010. [[Pieter Fourie]] (1940-) se bydrae as Afrikaanse dramaturg en kunsbestuurder: 1965-2010. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State. Available online at: http://etd.uovs.ac.za/ETD-db//theses/available/etd-08102012-152250/unrestricted/LuwesNJ.pdf
[[Lydia Lindeque]] en die Afrikaanse toneel. 1953. ''[[Helikon]]'', 2(9):9-10.
[[Olga R. Lynford|Lynford, Olga R.]] 1943. Frustration in black. (People's theatre; Black theatre; [[United People's Theatre]]). ''Playtime'', (35):5,7,24.

Latest revision as of 06:36, 13 August 2024

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The list

Lötter, Marensia 1994. An ecosystemic approach to psychodrama : aesthetics and pragmatics. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pretoria: University of South Africa.

Loubser, Alida Elizabeth 1977. Gerhard Beukes as dramaturg. Unpublished master’s thesis. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State.

Loubser, Alida Elizabeth 1978. Aspekte van Gerhard J. Beukes se dramakuns. Acta Academica B, 11:36-62.

Louw, A. 1972. Location of theatres in central Cape Town: 1781-1972. Plan, 57(8):11-12. August.

Louw, Chris 1988. Ballingskap en banaliteit: skrywers en boeke. (Interview Anthony Akerman) Die Suid-Afrikaan, 4(26):

Louw, Denise 1997. Architect of freedom theatre: Deon Opperman. Flying Springbok, July:56-61.

Louw, Helena 1989. ‘n Halfeeu op die planke (na aanleiding van die 50-jaar viering van die Akademie vir Dramakuns). De Kat, 5(2):80-83.

Louw, J.P. 1968. Iphegeneia in Aulis, by Euripides translated into Afrikaans by J.P.J. van Rensburg. Reviewed in Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 8(3/4):

Louw, N.P. van Wyk 1932. Oor toneel. Standpunte, 16(6)-17(1).

Louw, N.P. van Wyk 1963. "Die Slag van die Kaapse Vlakte", Standpunte 48, Jaargang XVI, Nr 6, Augustus 1963: pp. 2-4.

Louw, N.P. van Wyk 1963. "Oor toneel I", Standpunte 48, Jaargang XVI, Nr 6, Augustus 1963: pp. 25-30.

Louw, P. Eric 1989. State-subsidised theatre following the September 1984 Vaal uprising. South African Theatre Journal, 3(2):101-115.

Louw, S. 1984. Elemente van spel in Bartho Smit se dramas. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pietersburg: University of the North.

Louw, S. 1984. Nar en sy voorkoms in Bartho Smit se dramas. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 22(2):8-11.

Louw, S. 1985. Die ‘goddelike gereg’: Bulhond in Die Man met die Lyk om sy Nek. Standpunte, 38(5):37-39.

Louw, S. 1985. Putsonderwater se Maria: skisofreen? Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 25:195-200.

Louw, S. 1985. Smit-vertalings. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 23(3):55-63.

Louw, Salomi 1986. Koor en illusie in Don Juan onder die Boere. Standpunte, 39(1):35-38.

Louw, Salomi 1988a. Leuens, deur Corlia Fourie. Reviewed in: South African Theatre Journal, 2(1):67-69.

Louw, Salomi 1988b. Moeders en Dogters, deur Corlia Fourie. Reviewed in: South African Theatre Journal, 2(1):70-71.

Louw, Salomi 1989. Ruimte in die drama: ‘n uitgebreide terminologie. Tydskrif vir Literatuurwetenskap, 5(3/4):262-278.

Louw, Salomi 1991. Die stories agter die storie: Chris Barnard se Piet-My-Vrou. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 29(3):105-116.

Louw, Salomi 2002. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission as theatre text. Turfwrite, 3:166-168.

Louw, Salomi 2004. South African theatre and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, in Margriet van de Waal and Helen Wilcox, (eds.) Experience and identity in recent South African literature: proceeds of an International Colloquium, organised by the Department of English, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 10 January 2003 (CDS research report; no. 22), 9-20.

Louw, Salomi 2006. Ruimte in Brink se Die Jogger. Stilet, 18(1):1-19.

Louw, N.P. van Wyk 1963. "Die Slag van die Kaapse Vlakte", Standpunte 48, Jaargang XVI, Nr 6, Augustus 1963: pp. 2-4.

Louw, W.E.G. 1943. Toneel in Suid-Afrika. Huisgenoot, 27(1095):15. March 19.

Louw, W.E.G. 1945a. Afrikaanse beroepstoneel. Huisgenoot, 30(1232):5-7. November 2.

Louw, W.E.G. 1945b. Afrikaanse beroepstoneel. Huisgenoot, 30(1233):11. November 9.

Louw, W.E.G. 1972. W.E.G. Louw oor toneelkritiek: ‘n vraaggesprek. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 12:151-169. September.

Louw, W.E.G. 1976. Toneeljaar 1975 in die Kaap. Standpunte, 29(1):50-54. February.

Lowe, William 1929. Scottish drama in South Africa. Footlights, 1(3):16.

Ludeke, Anet 1995. Die benutting van psigodrama in maatskaplike groepwerk met adolessente in die hersaamgestelde gesin. Unpublished master’s thesis. Pretoria: University of Pretoria.

Luther, Carola & Maponya, M. 1984. Problems and possibilities: a discussion on the making of alternative theatre in South Africa. English Academy Review, 2:19-32.

Luther, C.M. 1987. South African theatre: aspects of the collaborative. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Leeds: University of Leeds.

Luwes, Nico 1997. International Theatreschool Festival, Amsterdam 1996. South African Theatre Journal, 11(1&2):226-231.

Luwes, Nico and Van Jaarsveld, Anthea 2006. Deon Opperman, in Perspektief en Profiel : 'n Afrikaanse Literatuurgeskiedenis, edited by H.P. van Coller. Hatfield, Pretoria: Van Schaik. 3:386-400.

Luwes, Nicolaas Johannes 1987. Visuele kommunikasie tydens 'n toneelopvoering. Unpublished master’s thesis. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State.

Luwes, Nicolaas Johannes 2010. Pieter Fourie (1940-) se bydrae as Afrikaanse dramaturg en kunsbestuurder: 1965-2010. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Bloemfontein: University of the Free State. Available online at: http://etd.uovs.ac.za/ETD-db//theses/available/etd-08102012-152250/unrestricted/LuwesNJ.pdf

Lydia Lindeque en die Afrikaanse toneel. 1953. Helikon, 2(9):9-10.

Lynford, Olga R. 1943. Frustration in black. (People's theatre; Black theatre; United People's Theatre). Playtime, (35):5,7,24.

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L-Laz Lea-Lev Lew-Lim Lin-Loo Lop-Lz

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