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The annual ''[[National Arts Festival]]'' in Grahamstown is the longest running annual arts festival in South Africa and one of the largest in the country - and even in the world. It is a Partner Project of the [[Grahamstown Foundation]].
The annual [[National Arts Festival]] in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) is the longest running annual arts festival in South Africa and one of the largest in the country - and even in the world. It is a Partner Project of the [[Grahamstown Foundation]].
Also known as the '''''[[National Festival of the Arts]]''''', but best known to everyone, and most often simply referred to as, the '''''[[Grahamstown Festival]]''''', the event has - for many years since its inception in 1974 - been ''officially'' named according to its sponsor at the particular time, e.g. the '''[[Five Roses National Arts Festival]]''' – between 19**- 19** and the '''[[Standard Bank National Arts Festival]]''' – from 19** -).  
Also known as the '''[[National Festival of the Arts]]''', but for a long time best known to everyone, and most often simply referred to as, the '''[[Grahamstown Festival]]''', the event has - for many years since its inception in 1974 - been ''officially'' named according to its sponsor at the particular time, e.g. the '''[[Five Roses National Arts Festival]]''' (1974-1983) and the '''[[Standard Bank National Arts Festival]]''' (1984-2001).  
Since 2002 however it has become known simply as the '''''[[National Arts Festival]]''''' (or '''''[[NAF]]'''''), (through often still the '''''[[Grahamstown National Arts Festival]]''''').
Since 2002, however, it has become known simply as the '''[[National Arts Festival]]''' (or '''[[NAF]]'''), (through often still the '''[[Grahamstown National Arts Festival]]''').  
(On 29 June 2018, the city of Grahamstown was officially renamed Makhanda, in memory of Xhosa warrior and prophet [[Makhanda ka Nxele]]). 
= History =
The Festival began in the city of Grahamstown in 1974 as a project of the [[1820 Settlers Foundation]] (later called the [[Grahamstown Foundation]]) and has since grown to be one of the leading arts festivals in southern Africa and in the world. Founded by [[Guy Butler]] and [[Roy Sargeant]], the Festival began as a Festival of Shakespeare productions brought to Grahamstown from Drama Departments all over the country and presented to a panel of theatre professionals offering reviews and discussion to mark the opening of the 1820 Settlers’ Monument by celebrating English culture, specifically in its most glorious popular expression as embodied in the works of the Bard.
The festival became an annual institution, gradually opening up its original strict focus on classical English culture and widening its scope over the decades to become a multi-disciplinary arts festival that incorporated artistic expression from a much broader cultural spectrum: South African, African and beyond. It remained to a great extent, however, primarily a celebration of English culture, local and international, which gives it its distinctive character as a clearly (English) South African event. In time it also became recognised internationally and by 1994 was seen as one of the major arts festivals on the annual calendar.
==In the 21st century==
In 2002, the Festival was renamed the [[National Arts Festival]], and is now an independent Section 21 company. Its objectives are to deliver excellence; encourage innovation and development in the arts by providing a platform for both established and emerging South African artists; create opportunities for collaboration with international artists; and build new audiences.
= History =
In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020, the management decided that the 46th [[National Arts Festival]] would be a virtual, online, festival, as response to the restrictions posed by the Coronavirus lockdown in South Africa and the devastating impact on the theatre artists, audiences and industry in general. Held from 25 June to 5 July 2020, the portal to the experience was the [[NAC]] website, from where audiences were able to experience streamed, live performances, pre-recorded concerts, virtual, immersive exhibitions, poetry and stage readings, interactive workshops and webinars.
The Festival began in the city of Grahamstown in 1974 as a project of the [[1820 Settlers Foundation]] (later called the [[Grahamstown Foundation]]) and has since grown to be one of the leading arts festivals in southern Africa and in the world. In 2002, the Festival was renamed the [[National Arts Festival]], Grahamstown and is now an independent Section 21 company. Its objectives are to deliver excellence; encourage innovation and development in the arts by providing a platform for both established and emerging South African artists; create opportunities for collaboration with international artists; and build new audiences.
The 2021 [[National Arts Festival]] was a hybrid Festival, with live performances in Makhanda (called Makhanda Live, 8-18 July 2021) and an Online [[National Arts Festival]] (during the month of July). The [[National Arts Festival]] also presented a series of shows, in partnership with Standard Bank, in cities across the country from 17 June to 4 July 2021. The collection, called Standard Bank Presents, gave audiences across the country a taste of what the Festival has to offer.
In 2022, the [[National Arts Festival]] returned to its traditional live format in Makhanda and in 2024 celebrated its 50th anniversary.[https://voertaal.nu/the-national-arts-festival-celebrates-50-years/]
on 29 June 2018 Grahamstown was officially renamed to Makhanda,  in memory of Xhosa warrior and prophet Makhanda ka Nxele. 
==National Arts Festival Committee==
In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020, the management decided that the 46th [[National Arts Festival]] will be a virtual, online, festival, as response to the restrictions posed by the Coronavirus lockdown in South Africa and the devastating impact on the theatre artists, audiences and industry in general. Held from 25 June to 5 July, the portal to the experience was the [[NAC]] website, from where audiences were able to experience streamed, live performances, pre-recorded concerts, virtual, immersive exhibitions, poetry and stage readings, interactive workshops and webinars.
In 2003, the Committee was [[Mannie Manim]] (Chairman), [[Sibongile Khumalo]] (Vice Chairman), [[Marthinus Basson]] (Theatre), [[Richard Cock]] (Music), [[Ingrid Fiske]] (Winter School), [[Vicki Karras]] (Dance), [[Mokale Koapeng]] (Music), [[Ramolao Makhene]] (Theatre), [[Tale Motsepe]] (Fringe and Studio), [[Lara Foot Newton]] (Theatre), [[Sydney Selepe]] (Visual Art), [[Trevor Steele Taylor]] (Film), [[Andrew Verster]] (Visual Art) and [[Peter Voges]] (Student Theatre).
= Programme =
= Programme =
The National Arts Festival has been structured around a Main Festival Programme and a Fringe Festival Programme.
The [[National Arts Festival]] has been structured around a Main Festival Programme and a Fringe Festival Programme.
== Main Festival Programme ==
== Main Festival Programme ==
Over the years, the Main Festival Programme has featured several disciplines or aspects, including:
The Main Festival Programme is a curated programme. Over the years, the Main Festival Programme has featured several disciplines or aspects, including:
* Dance
* Dance
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* Exhibitions
* Exhibitions
* Film Festival
* Film Festival
* Jazz Festival
* Jazz Festival (also called the [[National Jazz Festival]])
* Music
* Music
* New Music
* New Music
* Street Theatre
* Street Theatre
* Student Theatre
* [[Student Theatre Festival]] (also called the [[National Arts Festival of Student Theatre]])
* The Studio
* The Studio
* Winter School
* Winter School
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== The Fringe Festival Programme ==
== The Fringe Festival Programme ==
During the run of the Fringe Festival, the programme has showcased several art-forms, including:
The Fringe Festival Programme is an open festival. Any artists are invited to apply to perform or exhibit.  During the run of the Fringe Festival, the programme has showcased several art-forms, including:
Children's Arts Festival
Children's Choice
Dance and Physical Theatre
Music Theatre
* Cabaret
==The Student Drama Festival==
* Children's Arts Festival
* Children's Choice
The Student Drama Festival is a showcase at the [[National Arts Festival]] for young talent from tertiary institutions across South Africa.
* Dance and Physical Theatre
* Exhibitions
=== The Student Theatre Festival ===
* Music
* Music Theatre
* 2012: sponsored by the South African Post Office,
* Theatre
* Movies
South African Post Office Cape Triangular Award for the best director and writer: [[Kline Smith]] from the University of [[KwaZulu-Natal]] (Pietermaritzburg)
* Tours
* Wordfest
Best Overall Production: ''[[Homeless Orchestra]]'' by [[University of Cape Town]] (their award included a larger production for the 2013 Student Festival)
Best Ensemble: ''[[Fence]]'' by the [[Market Theatre Laboratory]]
Merit Award: ''[[Reclaiming Body – Reclaiming Self]]'' by [[University of the Western Cape]]
Up and Coming Director: [[Joanna Evans]] from [[University of Cape Town]]
Best Poster Design: [[University of Johannesburg]] for ''[[SA Shorts]]'' and [[University of Stellenbosch]] for ''[[Animals]]''
* 2013: sponsored by the South African Post Office
==Other projects, sub-festivals and events==
==Other projects, sub-festivals and events==
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[[Masicule]], an annual event that was created by the [[National Arts Festival]] to celebrate voice – and the city of Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) itself.
[[Masicule]], an annual event that was created by the [[National Arts Festival]] to celebrate voice – and the city of Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) itself.
== Venues ==
===[[Eastern Cape Showcase]]===
=== The [[1820 Settlers Monument]] ===
The [[Eastern Cape Showcase]] is a presentation of jazz music, dance culture and traditions of the Eastern Cape at the [[National Arts Festival]].
Also referred to as the [[1820 Settlers National Monument]], this is a memorial with a purpose
===The [[Creativate Digital Arts Festival]]===
The Monument was built to commemorate the contributions made by English-speaking Settlers to South Africa. It is unlike any other monument because, since its opening on 13 July 1974, this superbly equipped building has been a centre of creative thought and activity.
The Monument has become a meeting place for all South Africans. It was built to commemorate a worthy heritage and to encourage us to look forward with hope.  
The [[National Arts Festival]] launched this new programme in 2018, the first such event taking place between 28 June to 1 July in Grahamstown.
Amid reminders of the past, the building provides facilities for use by all South Africans, in particular activities which encourage the ideals of freedom of speech, social interaction and the use of English as a contact language.
The programme, which comprises a mix of lectures, workshops, film and performance, was developed to  explore the space where creativity, innovation and technology converge by  prioviding a playground for artists and audiences interested in how the digital age is helping to bring our imaginations to life, and who want to experience the creative tools of the future.
This concept of a living Monument led to the establishment of highly successful educational and cultural projects. The Monument is now used by well over 200 000 people a year from all South African groups.
=== The '''[[1820 Settlers Monument Theatre]]''' or '''[[Guy Butler Theatre]]''' ===
== Venues ==
The [[National Arts Festival]] is presented in a wide range of spaces in and around Makhanda, including venues at the [[1820 Settlers Monument]], [[Rhodes University]] theatres and lecture theatres, school halls, churches, church halls and chapels, museum galleries, hotels, community halls, cinemas and restaurants.
Rebuilt after the fire it was renamed the [[Guy Butler Theatre]]
This is one of the largest theatres in South Africa, with excellent acoustics, computerised lighting equipment, comfortable seating for 939, air conditioning and an orchestra pit to accommodate an orchestra of 50. Seating is flexible, thus there is Theatre Seating: 939
Dinners/Restaurant style seating: 400, Cocktails parties, etc : 1000, Orchestra pit for orchestra of 50
= Awards at the Festival =
= Awards at the Festival =
There are several awards associated with the [[National Arts Festival]], including the [[Standard Bank Young Artist Awards]] (formerly the [[Five Roses Young Artist Awards]], presented by the committee of the [[National Arts Festival]] to recognise emerging young South African artists); the [[Sanlam Literary Award]]; and the [[Standard Bank Ovation Awards]] (which are awards given to productions on the Fringe Festival Programme).
== Ovation Awards ==
Awards are given to productions on the Festival Fringe.
The following 2018 Standard Bank Ovation Awards were awarded in 2018 at the Monument on the 8th July 2018
'''Gold Standard Bank Ovation Award winners'''
MEDUMO YA BORWA (The best African Song and Dance thriller)
J. BOBS LIVE: OFF THE RECORD – Jefferson Tshabalala
SULLIED –Kirsti-Leigh Gresse
'''Silver Standard Bank Ovation Award winners'''
THE REVLON GIRL – Search for Productions
EMATHONGENI – Amandla Dança Teatro ZA
MARENE – Marene
'''Standard Bank Ovation Winners'''
DUO KP – Peter Cartwright
GASLIGHT – Laine Butler
I’M HIV AND LIVING – Thando Mbulelo Mbanjwa
MEDUSA INCARNATE – Kate Pinchuck in collaboration with The Furies
PHOKWANE CHRONICLES – Galeshewe Theatre Organisation
SAINTHOOD – Tiisetso Mashifane wa Noni
SILKWORM – Contagious
THE DEAD CHANT IN DEATH – Tshwane University of Technology
THE ISLAND – Paxinos Productions & CYBTT
TSWALO – Theatreduo
UNONO OBUYILE – Lumunyano Dance Group
'''Standard Bank Ovation Encore Award winners'''''Standard Bank Ovation Encore Awards recognise merit and potential in works that can be developed.''

'''Ovations Award panel'''[[Link title]]
Judges of the 2018 panel were: Tracey Saunders (convenor), Alon Nashman, Amelda Brand, Andrew Mulenga, Gopala Davies, Greg MacArthur, Hugo Theart, Kiroshan Naidoo, Luvuyo Yanta, Marcus Desando, Motlatji Ditodi, Namisa Mdlalose, Octavian Siau, Phemelo Helleman, Rafiek Mammon, Reggie Danster, Temba Ncetani and Thulani Nongogo.
= Sources =
= Sources =
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Boltt J. Fire damage to the 1820 Settlers' National Monument. Grahamstown Foundation Media Office, April, 1996.   
Boltt J. Fire damage to the 1820 Settlers' National Monument. Grahamstown Foundation Media Office, April, 1996.   
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Wikipedia entry at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Arts_Festival
Wikipedia entry at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Arts_Festival
''[[LitNet]]'', 10 July 2012
''National Arts Festival Souvenir Programme'', 2003
Pacey, B. 2011. 'The role of arts festivals in developing and promoting street theatre in South Africa', South African Theatre Journal, 25:3, 227-244
''[[BIZCOMMUNITY]]'', 3 July 2013
[[Johann van Heerden]] (2008)][http://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fscholar.sun.ac.za%2Fbitstream%2Fhandle%2F10019.1%2F1443%2Fvanheerden_theatre_2008.pdf%3Fsequence%3D1&ei=_egBU77CNYWJhQeE5oCADQ&usg=AFQjCNEWnD1BzeLnFmOV2tvyGLoMyNeT6Q&bvm=bv.61535280,d.Yms]
See also [[Festival]] and [[Grahamstown Foundation]]
See also [[Festival]] and [[Grahamstown Foundation]]

Latest revision as of 23:07, 8 March 2025

The annual National Arts Festival in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) is the longest running annual arts festival in South Africa and one of the largest in the country - and even in the world. It is a Partner Project of the Grahamstown Foundation.

Also known as the National Festival of the Arts, but for a long time best known to everyone, and most often simply referred to as, the Grahamstown Festival, the event has - for many years since its inception in 1974 - been officially named according to its sponsor at the particular time, e.g. the Five Roses National Arts Festival (1974-1983) and the Standard Bank National Arts Festival (1984-2001).

Since 2002, however, it has become known simply as the National Arts Festival (or NAF), (through often still the Grahamstown National Arts Festival).

(On 29 June 2018, the city of Grahamstown was officially renamed Makhanda, in memory of Xhosa warrior and prophet Makhanda ka Nxele).



The Festival began in the city of Grahamstown in 1974 as a project of the 1820 Settlers Foundation (later called the Grahamstown Foundation) and has since grown to be one of the leading arts festivals in southern Africa and in the world. Founded by Guy Butler and Roy Sargeant, the Festival began as a Festival of Shakespeare productions brought to Grahamstown from Drama Departments all over the country and presented to a panel of theatre professionals offering reviews and discussion to mark the opening of the 1820 Settlers’ Monument by celebrating English culture, specifically in its most glorious popular expression as embodied in the works of the Bard.

The festival became an annual institution, gradually opening up its original strict focus on classical English culture and widening its scope over the decades to become a multi-disciplinary arts festival that incorporated artistic expression from a much broader cultural spectrum: South African, African and beyond. It remained to a great extent, however, primarily a celebration of English culture, local and international, which gives it its distinctive character as a clearly (English) South African event. In time it also became recognised internationally and by 1994 was seen as one of the major arts festivals on the annual calendar.

In the 21st century

In 2002, the Festival was renamed the National Arts Festival, and is now an independent Section 21 company. Its objectives are to deliver excellence; encourage innovation and development in the arts by providing a platform for both established and emerging South African artists; create opportunities for collaboration with international artists; and build new audiences.

In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020, the management decided that the 46th National Arts Festival would be a virtual, online, festival, as response to the restrictions posed by the Coronavirus lockdown in South Africa and the devastating impact on the theatre artists, audiences and industry in general. Held from 25 June to 5 July 2020, the portal to the experience was the NAC website, from where audiences were able to experience streamed, live performances, pre-recorded concerts, virtual, immersive exhibitions, poetry and stage readings, interactive workshops and webinars.

The 2021 National Arts Festival was a hybrid Festival, with live performances in Makhanda (called Makhanda Live, 8-18 July 2021) and an Online National Arts Festival (during the month of July). The National Arts Festival also presented a series of shows, in partnership with Standard Bank, in cities across the country from 17 June to 4 July 2021. The collection, called Standard Bank Presents, gave audiences across the country a taste of what the Festival has to offer.

In 2022, the National Arts Festival returned to its traditional live format in Makhanda and in 2024 celebrated its 50th anniversary.[1]

National Arts Festival Committee

In 2003, the Committee was Mannie Manim (Chairman), Sibongile Khumalo (Vice Chairman), Marthinus Basson (Theatre), Richard Cock (Music), Ingrid Fiske (Winter School), Vicki Karras (Dance), Mokale Koapeng (Music), Ramolao Makhene (Theatre), Tale Motsepe (Fringe and Studio), Lara Foot Newton (Theatre), Sydney Selepe (Visual Art), Trevor Steele Taylor (Film), Andrew Verster (Visual Art) and Peter Voges (Student Theatre).


The National Arts Festival has been structured around a Main Festival Programme and a Fringe Festival Programme.

Main Festival Programme

The Main Festival Programme is a curated programme. Over the years, the Main Festival Programme has featured several disciplines or aspects, including:

The Fringe Festival Programme

The Fringe Festival Programme is an open festival. Any artists are invited to apply to perform or exhibit. During the run of the Fringe Festival, the programme has showcased several art-forms, including:

  • Cabaret
  • Children's Arts Festival
  • Children's Choice
  • Dance and Physical Theatre
  • Exhibitions
  • Music
  • Music Theatre
  • Theatre
  • Movies
  • Tours
  • Wordfest

Other projects, sub-festivals and events


Think!Fest is a series of seminars, discussions and debates that are hosted during the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown.


Masicule, an annual event that was created by the National Arts Festival to celebrate voice – and the city of Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) itself.

Eastern Cape Showcase

The Eastern Cape Showcase is a presentation of jazz music, dance culture and traditions of the Eastern Cape at the National Arts Festival.

The Creativate Digital Arts Festival

The National Arts Festival launched this new programme in 2018, the first such event taking place between 28 June to 1 July in Grahamstown.

The programme, which comprises a mix of lectures, workshops, film and performance, was developed to explore the space where creativity, innovation and technology converge by prioviding a playground for artists and audiences interested in how the digital age is helping to bring our imaginations to life, and who want to experience the creative tools of the future.


The National Arts Festival is presented in a wide range of spaces in and around Makhanda, including venues at the 1820 Settlers Monument, Rhodes University theatres and lecture theatres, school halls, churches, church halls and chapels, museum galleries, hotels, community halls, cinemas and restaurants.

Awards at the Festival

There are several awards associated with the National Arts Festival, including the Standard Bank Young Artist Awards (formerly the Five Roses Young Artist Awards, presented by the committee of the National Arts Festival to recognise emerging young South African artists); the Sanlam Literary Award; and the Standard Bank Ovation Awards (which are awards given to productions on the Fringe Festival Programme).





Boltt J. Fire damage to the 1820 Settlers' National Monument. Grahamstown Foundation Media Office, April, 1996.

Butler G. 1820 Settlers Monument Neville, T. More lasting than bronze: a story of 1820 Settlers.



Wikipedia entry at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Arts_Festival

National Arts Festival Souvenir Programme, 2003

Pacey, B. 2011. 'The role of arts festivals in developing and promoting street theatre in South Africa', South African Theatre Journal, 25:3, 227-244





Johann van Heerden (2008)][2]

See also Festival and Grahamstown Foundation

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