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English: '''The South African Academy for Science and Arts'''. Also known for many years simply as '''Die Akademie''' ("The Academy")
The [[Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns]] ("[[South African Academy for Science and Art]]") .
Also found as the [[SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns]], the [[SA Akademie]] or for many years simply as '''[[Die Akademie]]''' ("The Academy").
== Founding and aims ==
== Founding and aims ==
(“The South African Academy for Science and Art”). Originally entitled the De Zuid-Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst ("South African Academy for Language, Literature and Art"), it was founded in 1909 to promote and give guidance in the development of the Dutch (which at the time included Afrikaans) language, literature, art, history and study of antiquity, and take the lead in these spheres.  Today the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns (“the South African Academy for Science and Art”) is an Article 21 company and is a multidisciplinary organisation, encompassing a wide range of scientific and artistic fields, with aits main objectives being the advancement of science, technology and the arts, as well as the promotion of Afrikaans usage and the maintenance of good linguistic standards. It has an elected membership based on scientici, techlnnological, artistic, economic and other achievements. It ustilised local “working communities in major centres and a range of ciommittees and commissions. Manages some of the most prestigious awards in the scientific and cultural field, including the the Hertzog Prize for Literature (awarded for Drama every third year),  as well as a range of other prizes and medals for artistic achievement in  theatre and the performing and fine arts.  
Originally entitled the [[De Zuid-Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst]] ("South African Academy for Language, Literature and Art", als found in the form [[Zuid-Afrikaansche Akademie vir Letteren en Kunst]]), it was founded in 1909 to promote and give guidance in the development of the [[Dutch]] (which at the time included [[Afrikaans]]) language, literature, art, history. The name was changed to the Afrikaans [[Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Taal, Lettere en Kuns]] and eventually, as the Academy expanded to include the natural sciences as well, it became known as the [[Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns]] ("South African Academy for Science and Art").
While it was at the start primarily a language society for the promotion of the [[Dutch]] language in opposition to English, it shortly afterwards shifted the focus to [[Afrikaans]], which had been recognised as an
official language in 1925 and after 1994 become one of eleven official languages of the country.
Today the Academy is an Article 21 company and a multidisciplinary organisation, encompassing a wide range of scientific and artistic fields, with its main objectives being the advancement of science, technology and the arts, as well as the promotion of [[Afrikaans]] usage and the maintenance of good linguistic standards.  
It has an elected membership based on scientific, technological, artistic, economic and other achievements. It utilizes local working communities in major centres and a range of committees and commissions. The council also awards and administers some of the most prestigious awards in the scientific and cultural fields, including the [[Hertzog Prize for Literature]] (awarded for Drama every third year),  as well as a range of other prizes, pennants and medals for artistic achievement in  theatre and the performing and fine arts.
Die '''Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns''' (South African Academy for Science
The [[Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns]] ("[[The South African Academy for Science and Arts]]") - originally De Zuid-Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst - was founded in 1909. Its original aim was to promote the development of the Dutch language (which at that time included Afrikaans), as well as its literature, art, history and study of antiquity in South Africa, and to take the lead in these spheres. Today, the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns is a multidisciplinary organisation.
and Arts) was founded in Bloemfontein in 1909, primarily as a language
society for the promotion of the Dutch language in opposition to English.
Shortly afterwards the focus shifted to [[Afrikaans]], which was recognised as an
official language in 1925 and after 1994 become one of eleven official
languages of the country.  
The “Akademie” is still dealing with issues on language, especially Afrikaans. The Akademie is deeply involved in issues and publications on language at universities and educational institutions, it publishes two accredited scientific journals in human sciences and natural
sciences and faces a tough challenge to protect the status of Afrikaans within
these fields. With the support of Afrikaans academics the Academy strongly
believes in its future and survival well beyond its first centenary in 2006.
(Speech by the Director, Jaques van der Elst, http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/werkwinkel/documents/vanderelst.pdf)
== Mission and aims ==
The Academy's Deed of Establishment (Art. 21: 2002) defines its mission and general objectives as the advancement of science, technology and the arts, as well as the promotion of Afrikaans usage and the maintenance of good linguistic standards. It also aims to deliver a service to the community. This multidisciplinary organisation serves the interests of all South Africans and strives to uphold excellence, fairness and exemplary scientific, moral anddemocratic values.
== Membership and members ==
Members of the Academy are elected by virtue of scientific, technological or cultural achievement. However, membership is not limited to these groups only. Prominent bankers, auditors, business leaders, doctors, lawyers, engineers, artists and others who have made their mark in their specific fields, are also elected to the Academy. Persons who wish to be considered as members, should contact the Chief Executive Officer at the address below. Membership of the Academy is indicated by the insigne, M.Akad.SA.
== Council of the Academy ==
The Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns falls under the aegis of the Academy Council, which represents different disciplines. Organisational matters and administration of Academy affairs are centred at its permanent office in Pretoria, headed by the Chief Executive Officer. The main sources of income are membership fees, donations, royalties, interest on investments and trust funds.
== Working communities, divisions and branches ==
Working communities of the Academy have been established in Bloemfontein, Durban, Cape Town, Eastern Cape, Pietermaritzburg, Polokwane, Potchefstroom, Pretoria, Stellenbosch, Vaal Triangle, Free State, Witwatersrand and KwaZulu-Natal. Universities in these regions are the major centres of Academy activities. The five subject divisions of the Academy are Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Medicine, Engineering as well as Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
== Committees and commissions ==
Elected and standing committees and commissions are responsible for various activities of the Academy. The commissions for language, literature, education, history and performing and visual arts have specific duties. A variety of subject and special committees perform tasks related to their respective fields and are responsible for the assessment of candidates nominated for the Academy awards. A Curatorial Body overseas the Engelenburg House Museum at the Academy's head office.
== [[Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe]] / Journal of Humanities  ==
== Activities of the Academy ==
Within the framework of its mission and objectives, the Academy continually investigates current affairs of public interest, takes a clear stand and often becomes directly involved in advisory capacity, as facilitator and in forming public opinion on issues of national interest.
The Academy has been instrumental in the recognition of Afrikaans as an official language, the founding of the FAK [Federation of Afrikaans Cultural Organisations], the establishment of the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Engineering at the University of Pretoria, the adoption of the decimal system in South Africa, the National Subject Terminology Service, the Africa Institute, the Simon van der Stel Foundation, the Heraldry Bureau, the Sciences Research Council, to name but a few. The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) was founded with collaborated inputs from prominent Academy members.
== [[Afrikaans]] ==
Die oogmerke van die Akademie as multidissiplinêre organisasie is die bevordering van die wetenskap, die tegnologie en die kunste, asook die bevordering van die gebruik en gehalte van Afrikaans.
Die Akademie is op 2 Julie 1909 gestig en het oor die jare bekend geword weens die gereelde toekenning van literêre pryse (waarvan die [[Hertzogprys]] die bekendste is), ander prestigepryse soos die N.P. van Wyk Louwmedalje, sy publikasies (twee gereelde tydskrifte en talle geleentheidspublikasies), die werk van sy Taalkommissie aan die standaardisering van Afrikaans, die talle vakwoordeboeke en terminologielyste wat deur lede van die Akademie opgestel  en gepubliseer is en die Wiskunde- en Geskiedenisolimpiade wat hy aanbied.
In many respects, the Academy has been the point of growth for Afrikaans; it was instrumental in the genesis and development of Afrikaans as a cultural language, and the advancement of Afrikaans remains one of its key objectives. Since 1915, the Academy (in particular its Language Commission), has performed a standardising function in respect of written Afrikaans and to promote the use of Afrikaans in all its functions. The most laudable result of this work is the Afrikaanse woordelys en spelreëls [Afrikaans word list and spelling rules], of which the ninth editionwas published in 2002.
Die Akademie het tans meer as 800 aktiewe en ongeveer 300 rustende lede. Lidmaatskap van die Akademie geskied op uitnodiging op grond van besondere prestasies op wetenskaplike, tegnologiese of kulturele gebied.  Die meerderheid van die lede is verbonde aan universiteite en ander inrigtings vir hoër onderwys, wetenskapsorganisasies, die professies en organisasies in die privaat sektor. Lidmaatskap van die Akademie word met die kenletters L.Akad.SA aangedui.
== Journals and publications ==
Originally known as the ''[[Tydskrif vir Wetenskap en Kuns]]'' ("Journal for Science and Arts")
First published in 1960, to publish original research and review articles in the following subject fields: theology, languages, arts and culture, social, economic and educational sciences as well as book reviews, chronicles and poems. Originally founded to promote publication on the arts and Humanities specifically in [[Afrikaans]], but now accepts articles in English, Dutch and German as well.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns - oorspronklik De Zuid-Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst - is in 1909 gestig. Destyds was die doel om na die ontwikkeling vandie Nederlandse (insluitende die Afrikaanse) taal, letterkunde, kuns, geskiedenis en oudheidkunde in Suid-Afrika om te sien en om leiding in hierdie sfere te gee. Vandag is die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns 'n multidissiplinêre organisasie.
Missie en doelstellings
== Sources ==
Die missie en algemene doelstellings van die Akademie - soos in sy Akte van Oprigting (Art. 21: 2002) vasgelê - is die bevordering van die wetenskap, die tegnologie en die kunste, asook die bevordering van die gebruik en gehalte van Afrikaans. Voorts behels dit ook die lewering van diens aan die samelewing. Hierdie multidissiplinêre organisasie wat die belange van alle Suid-Afrikaners wil dien streef na uitnemendheid, billikheid, hoë wetenskaplike, morele en demokratiese waardes.
Lidmaatskap en lede
Speech by the Director, [[Jaques van der Elst]], http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/werkwinkel/documents/vanderelst.pdf.
Lede van die Akademie word op grond van prestasie op wetenskaplike,  tegnologiese of kulturele gebied verkies. Lidmaatskap is egter nie net tot hierdie groep beperk nie. Vooraanstaande bankiers, ouditeurs, sakeleiers, geneeshere, regsgeleerdes, ingenieurs, kunstenaars en ander wat op hulle besondere terreine presteer, word ook tot Akademielede verkies. Persone wat vir lidmaatskap in aanmerking wil kom, kan navraag doen by die Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte by die onderstaande adres. Lidmaatskap van die Akademie word met die kenletters L.Akad.SA aangedui.
== Return to ==
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns staan onder gesag en leiding van die verkose Akademieraad waarin verskillende vakdissiplines verteenwoordig is. Die organisasie en administrasie van die Akademie word vanuit sy permanente kantoor in Pretoria onder leiding van die Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte behartig. Hoofinkomstebronne is ledegeld, skenkings, tantième, rente op beleggings en trustgeld.
Since 1960 the Publications Office of the Academy has published two interdisciplinary, accredited [[Afrikaans]] vocational journals, namely the ''Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie'' and the ''[[Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe/Journal of Humanities]]'' - both issued quarterly. The Academy also publishes a regular newsletter. The Academy is responsible for the publication of various [[Afrikaans]] university textbooks, for instance in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, and Literature, for numerous vocational dictionaries in [[Afrikaans]], as well as publications such as the ''Hertzog-Annale'' and ''Christiaan de Wet-Annale''.
Werkgemeenskappe, afdelings en takke
== Annual meetings and symposiums ==
Werkgemeenskappe van die Akademie is gevestig in Bloemfontein, Durban, Kaapstad, Oos-Kaap, Pietermaritzburg, Polokwane, Potchefstroom, Pretoria, Stellenbosch, Vaaldriehoek, Vrystaat, Witwatersrand en KwaZulu-Natal. Universiteite vorm meesal die belangrikste setels van die Akademie. Vyf afdelings van die Akademie funksioneer op vakgrondslag: dié vir Biologiese Wetenskappe, Chemiese Wetenskappe, Geneeskunde, Ingenieurswese en Wis- en Natuurkunde.
Komitees en kommissies
Important activities of the Academy are the annual general meeting and symposium. At these events, researched themes of scientific and national interest are analysed and discussed in an interdisciplinary manner. Knowledgeable speakers of all disciplines are invited to present public papers. The respective workingcommunities, divisions and branches join these activities.
Die aktiwiteite van die Akademie word deur verkose en staande komitees en kommissies bedryf. Die kommissies vir taal, letterkunde, onderwys, geskiedenis, uitvoerende en visuele kunste is met spesifieke opdragte belas. 'n Verskeidenheid vak- en spesialekomitees voer op soortgelyke wyse take op bepaalde terreine uit en behartig keuringswerk vir die onderskeie toekennings van die Akademie. 'n Kuratorium waak oor die Engelenburg-huismuseum in die Akademie se hoofkwartier.
Aktiwiteite van die Akademie
== Olympiads ==
Binne die raamwerk van sy missie en doelstellings ondersoek die Akademie voortdurend aktuele sake van openbare belang, neem standpunt daaroor in, en tree ook meermale adviserend, fasiliterend en meningsvormend in sake van nasionale belang op deur direk by die verloop van gebeure betrokke te raak.
Die Akademie was instrumenteel in die erkenning van Afrikaans as amptelike taal, die ontstaan van die FAK, die stigting van die Fakulteite Geneeskunde, Tandheelkunde en Ingenieurswese aan die Universiteit van Pretoria, die instelling van die desimale stelsel in Suid-Afrika, die Nasionale Vakterminologiediens, die Afrika-Instituut, die Stigting Simon van der Stel, die Buro vir Heraldiek, die RGN, en vele ander. Die  Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) is mede deur die insette van prominente Akademielede gestig.
Several country-wide Olympiads are organised annually for learners throughout the country. The most prominent of these, the Mathematics Olympiad, has developed to such an extent that it has now been taken over by the National Foundation. The Academy is also in the process of re-organising a History Olympiad. The objectives of these Olympiads are to identify talented learners at an early age, to foster the enjoyment of specific subjects with these learners, and to stimulate interest and develop skills. Tens of thousands of learners of all population groups participate in these Olympiads. The Poort Competition was established to promote creative writing talent among high school learners.  
Die Akademie was in vele opsigte die kweekplek van Afrikaans; hy was instrumenteel in die ontstaan en opbou van 'n Afrikaanse kultuurtaal, en die bevordering van die gebruik en gehalte van Afrikaans is steeds 'n sleuteldoelstelling. In hierdie verband tree die Akademie, veral deur sy Taalkommissie, reeds sedert 1915 standaardiserend op ten opsigte van die Afrikaanse skryftaal en in belang van die gebruik en ontwikkeling van Afrikaans in al sy funksies. Die belangrikste resultaat van hierdie werk is die Afrikaanse woordelys en spelreëls waarvan die negende uitgawe in 2002 verskyn het.
== Awards and prizes ==
Tydskrifte en publikasies
Die Akademie bedryf twee Afrikaanse, interdissiplinêre geakkrediteerde vaktydskrifte wat kwartaalliks deur sy publikasie-afdeling uitgegee word, naamlik die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie en die Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. Hierbenewens verskyn daar op gesette tye 'n nuusbrief.
For decades the Academy has been known for the medals of honour, prizes and medals it awards in recognition of achievements in the sciences, the humanities and the arts. Candidates are selected and recommended for awards by specialist committees. Through its award strategy the South African Academy for Science and Arts makes a major contribution towards the creation of avibrant culture of excellence in South Africa.
Die Akademie is verantwoordelik vir die daarstelling van verskeie Afrikaanse universiteitshandboeke, onder meer vir Chemie, Fisika en Wiskunde, vir talle vakwoordeboeke in Afrikaans, asook publikasies soos die Hertzog- en Christiaan de Wet-Annale.
Among the Academy's many awards are the much sought after [[Hertzog-prys]] ([[Hertzog Prize]]), [[Elisabeth Eybers Beurs]], the Academy Prize for '''translation''' into [[Afrikaans]] from any other language, the [[Louis Hiemstra-toekenning]], the  [[Eugène N. Marais Award]] for a debut writer, the [[Gustav Preller]] award, the [[Scheepers]] award, the [[Tienie Holloway]] medal and the [[C.J. Langenhoven]] prize, inter alia for achievements in the field of Afrikaans literature, literary science, literary criticism, linguistics and books for children.  
Jaarvergaderings en simposia
Outstanding achievement in other specific fields of study are acknowledged by awarding prestige prizes such as the [[Havenga Prize]] and [[Stals Prize]], and the [[Frans du Toit]], [[Toon van den Heever]] and [[Totius]] prizes and the [[Captain Scott]] Medal.
'n Belangrike aktiwiteit van die Akademie is die jaarvergadering en simposium. By hierdie byeenkomste word nagevorste temas vanwetenskaplike sowel as van landsbelang op interdissiplinêre wyse ontleed en bespreek. Kundige sprekers uit alle dissiplines word genooi om hierdie openbare lesings te lewer. Die onderskeie werkgemeenskappe, afdelings en takke sluit by hierdie werksaamhede aan.
Medals of Honour for scientific subject promotion at secondary and tertiary level are regularly awarded. The [[M.T. Steyn Award]] and [[N.P. van Wyk Louw Award]] for exceptional achievement in the natural sciences and the humanities respectively.
[[Eugène Marais-prys]]
Verskeie landswye olimpiades vir leerders is die afgelope jare vanuit die Akademiekantoor gereël. Die belangrikste hiervan was die Wiskunde-olimpiade wat so uitgebrei het dat dit nou deur 'n Nasionale Stigting oorgeneem is. Daar word ook gewerk aan die herbeplanning van 'n Geskiedenisolimpiade. Die oogmerke van hierdie olimpiades is om talentvolle leerders vroegtydig te identifiseer, om 'n liefde vir die betrokke vakke te kweek, om belangstelling te prikkel en om vaardighede te ontwikkel. Tienduisende leerders van alle bevolkinggroepe neem reeds aan hierdie olimpiades deel. Die Poortkompetisie is ingestel om skeppendetaaltalent in Afrikaans by hoërskoolleerders aan te moedig.
[[W.A. Hofmeyr-prys]]
Bekronings en pryse
== Conclusion ==
Die Akademie is reeds vir dekades bekend vir die beloning van prestasies in die wetenskappe, humaniora en kunste by wyse van erepennings, pryse en medaljes. Kandidate word deur spesialiskomitees geselekteer en vir bekroning aanbeveel. Met sy bekroningstrategie lewer die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns 'n belangrike bydrae om 'n sterk prestasiekultuur in Suid-Afrika te skep.
Onder die talle Akademietoekennings is die gesogte Hertzogprys, die Elisabeth Eybersbeurs, die Akademieprys vir vertaling in Afrikaans uit enige ander taal, die Louis Hiemstra-, Eugène Marais-, Gustav Preller-, Scheepers-, Tienie Holloway- en C.J. Langenhovenprys, onder meer vir prestasies op die terreine van die Afrikaanse letterkunde, die literatuurwetenskap en letterkundige kritiek, kinder- en kleuterliteratuur en die taalwetenskap. Prestasies op ander vakgebiede word bekroon met prestigepryse soos die Havenga- en Stalspryse, Frans du Toit-, Toon van den Heever- en Totiusprys en die Kaptein Scott-medaljes. Erepennings vir wetenskaplike vakbevordering op sekondêre en tersiêre vlak word gereeld toegeken. Die M.T. Steyn- en die N.P. van Wyk Louw-eretoekennings word onderskeidelik vir buitengewone prestasie in die natuur- en geesteswetenskappe toegeken.
By means of these extensive activities and many other initiatives by the large number of Academy members all over the country, the Academy offers meaningful contributions to the pursuit of the natural sciences, the development of technology, the advancement of science in all its aspects and the promotion of the use and standard of Afrikaans.
Deur hierdie uitgebreide werksaamhede en talle ander inisiatiewe en aktiwiteite deur die groot getal Akademielede vanoor die hele land, lewer die Akademie betekenisvolle bydraes tot die natuurwetenskapbeoefening, tegnologieontwikkeling, die bevorderingvan die wetenskap in al sy geledinge en die bevordering van die gebruik en gehalte van Afrikaans.
== Enquiries ==
The Chief Executive Officer, South African Academy for Science and Arts, 574 Ziervogel Street, Private Bag X11, ARCADIA 0007
Navrae: Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, Ziervogelstraat 574, Privaat sak X11, ARCADIA 0007
Tel.: 012-328-5082;  Fax:  012-328-5091
Tel.:  012-328-5082Faks: 012-328-5091
E-mail: akademie@akademie.co.zaWeb: www.akademie.co.za
E-pos: akademie@akademie.co.za;  Tuisblad:
== Sources ==
== Sources ==
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== For more information ==
Speech by CEO [[Jacques van der Elst]]: http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/werkwinkel/documents/vanderelst.pdf)
Go to [[ESAT Bibliography]]
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Latest revision as of 05:39, 30 May 2024

The Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns ("South African Academy for Science and Art") .

Also found as the SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, the SA Akademie or for many years simply as Die Akademie ("The Academy").


Founding and aims

Originally entitled the De Zuid-Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst ("South African Academy for Language, Literature and Art", als found in the form Zuid-Afrikaansche Akademie vir Letteren en Kunst), it was founded in 1909 to promote and give guidance in the development of the Dutch (which at the time included Afrikaans) language, literature, art, history. The name was changed to the Afrikaans Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Taal, Lettere en Kuns and eventually, as the Academy expanded to include the natural sciences as well, it became known as the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns ("South African Academy for Science and Art").

While it was at the start primarily a language society for the promotion of the Dutch language in opposition to English, it shortly afterwards shifted the focus to Afrikaans, which had been recognised as an official language in 1925 and after 1994 become one of eleven official languages of the country.

Today the Academy is an Article 21 company and a multidisciplinary organisation, encompassing a wide range of scientific and artistic fields, with its main objectives being the advancement of science, technology and the arts, as well as the promotion of Afrikaans usage and the maintenance of good linguistic standards.

It has an elected membership based on scientific, technological, artistic, economic and other achievements. It utilizes local working communities in major centres and a range of committees and commissions. The council also awards and administers some of the most prestigious awards in the scientific and cultural fields, including the Hertzog Prize for Literature (awarded for Drama every third year), as well as a range of other prizes, pennants and medals for artistic achievement in theatre and the performing and fine arts.


The Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns ("The South African Academy for Science and Arts") - originally De Zuid-Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst - was founded in 1909. Its original aim was to promote the development of the Dutch language (which at that time included Afrikaans), as well as its literature, art, history and study of antiquity in South Africa, and to take the lead in these spheres. Today, the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns is a multidisciplinary organisation.

Mission and aims

The Academy's Deed of Establishment (Art. 21: 2002) defines its mission and general objectives as the advancement of science, technology and the arts, as well as the promotion of Afrikaans usage and the maintenance of good linguistic standards. It also aims to deliver a service to the community. This multidisciplinary organisation serves the interests of all South Africans and strives to uphold excellence, fairness and exemplary scientific, moral anddemocratic values.

Membership and members

Members of the Academy are elected by virtue of scientific, technological or cultural achievement. However, membership is not limited to these groups only. Prominent bankers, auditors, business leaders, doctors, lawyers, engineers, artists and others who have made their mark in their specific fields, are also elected to the Academy. Persons who wish to be considered as members, should contact the Chief Executive Officer at the address below. Membership of the Academy is indicated by the insigne, M.Akad.SA.

Council of the Academy

The Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns falls under the aegis of the Academy Council, which represents different disciplines. Organisational matters and administration of Academy affairs are centred at its permanent office in Pretoria, headed by the Chief Executive Officer. The main sources of income are membership fees, donations, royalties, interest on investments and trust funds.

Working communities, divisions and branches

Working communities of the Academy have been established in Bloemfontein, Durban, Cape Town, Eastern Cape, Pietermaritzburg, Polokwane, Potchefstroom, Pretoria, Stellenbosch, Vaal Triangle, Free State, Witwatersrand and KwaZulu-Natal. Universities in these regions are the major centres of Academy activities. The five subject divisions of the Academy are Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Medicine, Engineering as well as Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

Committees and commissions

Elected and standing committees and commissions are responsible for various activities of the Academy. The commissions for language, literature, education, history and performing and visual arts have specific duties. A variety of subject and special committees perform tasks related to their respective fields and are responsible for the assessment of candidates nominated for the Academy awards. A Curatorial Body overseas the Engelenburg House Museum at the Academy's head office.

Activities of the Academy

Within the framework of its mission and objectives, the Academy continually investigates current affairs of public interest, takes a clear stand and often becomes directly involved in advisory capacity, as facilitator and in forming public opinion on issues of national interest.

The Academy has been instrumental in the recognition of Afrikaans as an official language, the founding of the FAK [Federation of Afrikaans Cultural Organisations], the establishment of the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Engineering at the University of Pretoria, the adoption of the decimal system in South Africa, the National Subject Terminology Service, the Africa Institute, the Simon van der Stel Foundation, the Heraldry Bureau, the Sciences Research Council, to name but a few. The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) was founded with collaborated inputs from prominent Academy members.


In many respects, the Academy has been the point of growth for Afrikaans; it was instrumental in the genesis and development of Afrikaans as a cultural language, and the advancement of Afrikaans remains one of its key objectives. Since 1915, the Academy (in particular its Language Commission), has performed a standardising function in respect of written Afrikaans and to promote the use of Afrikaans in all its functions. The most laudable result of this work is the Afrikaanse woordelys en spelreëls [Afrikaans word list and spelling rules], of which the ninth editionwas published in 2002.

Journals and publications

Originally known as the Tydskrif vir Wetenskap en Kuns ("Journal for Science and Arts")

First published in 1960, to publish original research and review articles in the following subject fields: theology, languages, arts and culture, social, economic and educational sciences as well as book reviews, chronicles and poems. Originally founded to promote publication on the arts and Humanities specifically in Afrikaans, but now accepts articles in English, Dutch and German as well.




Speech by the Director, Jaques van der Elst, http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/werkwinkel/documents/vanderelst.pdf.

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Since 1960 the Publications Office of the Academy has published two interdisciplinary, accredited Afrikaans vocational journals, namely the Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie and the Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe/Journal of Humanities - both issued quarterly. The Academy also publishes a regular newsletter. The Academy is responsible for the publication of various Afrikaans university textbooks, for instance in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, and Literature, for numerous vocational dictionaries in Afrikaans, as well as publications such as the Hertzog-Annale and Christiaan de Wet-Annale.

Annual meetings and symposiums

Important activities of the Academy are the annual general meeting and symposium. At these events, researched themes of scientific and national interest are analysed and discussed in an interdisciplinary manner. Knowledgeable speakers of all disciplines are invited to present public papers. The respective workingcommunities, divisions and branches join these activities.


Several country-wide Olympiads are organised annually for learners throughout the country. The most prominent of these, the Mathematics Olympiad, has developed to such an extent that it has now been taken over by the National Foundation. The Academy is also in the process of re-organising a History Olympiad. The objectives of these Olympiads are to identify talented learners at an early age, to foster the enjoyment of specific subjects with these learners, and to stimulate interest and develop skills. Tens of thousands of learners of all population groups participate in these Olympiads. The Poort Competition was established to promote creative writing talent among high school learners.

Awards and prizes

For decades the Academy has been known for the medals of honour, prizes and medals it awards in recognition of achievements in the sciences, the humanities and the arts. Candidates are selected and recommended for awards by specialist committees. Through its award strategy the South African Academy for Science and Arts makes a major contribution towards the creation of avibrant culture of excellence in South Africa.

Among the Academy's many awards are the much sought after Hertzog-prys (Hertzog Prize), Elisabeth Eybers Beurs, the Academy Prize for translation into Afrikaans from any other language, the Louis Hiemstra-toekenning, the Eugène N. Marais Award for a debut writer, the Gustav Preller award, the Scheepers award, the Tienie Holloway medal and the C.J. Langenhoven prize, inter alia for achievements in the field of Afrikaans literature, literary science, literary criticism, linguistics and books for children.

Outstanding achievement in other specific fields of study are acknowledged by awarding prestige prizes such as the Havenga Prize and Stals Prize, and the Frans du Toit, Toon van den Heever and Totius prizes and the Captain Scott Medal.

Medals of Honour for scientific subject promotion at secondary and tertiary level are regularly awarded. The M.T. Steyn Award and N.P. van Wyk Louw Award for exceptional achievement in the natural sciences and the humanities respectively.

Eugène Marais-prys

W.A. Hofmeyr-prys


By means of these extensive activities and many other initiatives by the large number of Academy members all over the country, the Academy offers meaningful contributions to the pursuit of the natural sciences, the development of technology, the advancement of science in all its aspects and the promotion of the use and standard of Afrikaans.


The Chief Executive Officer, South African Academy for Science and Arts, 574 Ziervogel Street, Private Bag X11, ARCADIA 0007

Tel.: 012-328-5082; Fax: 012-328-5091

E-mail: akademie@akademie.co.za; Web: www.akademie.co.za



Speech by CEO Jacques van der Elst: http://ifa.amu.edu.pl/werkwinkel/documents/vanderelst.pdf)


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