Young Wives' Tale
The Young Wives' Tale (1949) is a comedy by British playwright Ronald Jeans (1887-1973) [1]. Casting: M3, f6.
Two couples share a house. Mary and Bruce and Sabina and Rodney. They both have a small child each. The couples share a nanny but one day Rodney insults her and she leaves. A new nanny is found but when she arrives she mistakes Bruce to be Sabina's husband and they play along with that because they do not want their real partners to know they were kissing.
The original text
Translations and adaptations
Young Wives' Tale is a 1951 British comedy film directed by Henry Cass.
Performance history in South Africa
1951: Presented by the Brian Brooke Company starring Petrina Fry, June Shaw, John Roberts, Michael Drin, Helen Braithwaite, Flora McKenna, Diana Grahame, David de Keyser and Felicity Halls.
1954: Presented by the Dramatic Society of East London.
Doollee: [2].
Wikippedia [3].
Supplement to Die Burger, 22 September 1951.
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