The Glass Slipper

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The Glass Slipper is a children's musical by Harry and Eleanor Farjeon (1881–1965) [1].

The original text

Based on Cinderella, the text was written by Eleanor Farejon, to music by her brother Harry Farjeon, and produced and published as The Glass Slipper in 1944.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1948: Presented by the University of Cape Town’s Speech and Drama Department at the Little Theatre in March, directed by Matine Harman.

1959-60: Produced jointly by National Theatre Organisation, the Johannesburg Reps and the Children's Theatre at the Reps Theatre, starring Anne Ziegler, Yvonne Theron, Siegfried Mynhardt, David Beattie, Hilda Kriseman, Olive King, Bruce Anderson, John Hayter, directed by Hugh Goldie. Music: Joyce Goldie (Piano conductor) Band: Leader Walter Mony, Bassoon: Richard Cherry, Clarinet: P Reinders, Percussion: A Johnson, Violin: Erica Anderson, Viola: Lance Lange, Cello: Phyllis Chaplin.


Inskip, 1972. p. 13.

Lantern, March 1961. 284.

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