Peter K Woolston
Peter K Woolston was born in England, educated at Shaftsbury and emigrated to South Afnca in 1938. His deep interest and love of good music was fostered by his parents who were artists of repute in the English music world. His father was responsible for the productions of Gilbert and Sullivan operas during the Fist World War, and was subsequently a conductor and accompanist with the BBC. Peter's mother was a well-known soprano soloist in oratorio and light opera during that period. Peter carried on the family tradition while they were living in Natal where he was responsible for the musical direction of Iolanthe and The Gondoliers. On those occasions he conductcd the theatre section of the Durban Civic Orchestra. He settled in Port Elizabeth in 1957 and was responsible for producing the Hymn Festtval which filled the Feathermarket Hall to capacity. Peter K Woolston was musical director for the Port Elizabeth Gilbert and Sullivan Society's production of Brigadoon. He also directed the Port Elizabeth Gilbert and Sullivan Society's 1966 production of The Mikado. Much of his musical activities were centered around the Church, and Oratorio and Cantata works claimed much of his attention.
Port Elizabeth Gilbert and Sullivan Society's 1968 theatre programme from Brigadoon .
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