Our Betters

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Our Betters (1917) is a play by British playwright and novelist Somerset Maugham [1] (1874-1965). The basic plot of the play is about an American girl who turns back to her honest American sweetheart after she has been shocked by the escapades of her cosmopolitanized sister.

Translations and adaptations

Filmed in America in 1933, screenplay by Jane Murfin and Harry Wagstaff Gribble, based on the 1923 play of the same title by W. Somerset Maugham.

South African productions

1941: Produced by Ivor Jones for the Combined Amateur Dramatic Societies of Cape Town in the Little Theatre in August. With Alfred Rodrigues, and others.


Trek 15 August 1941, p.19.

Inskip, 1972. p.126.

World Drama by Allardyce Nicoll. Harrap, 1949.

Wikipedia [2].

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