Menopause - The Musical

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Menopause - The Musical. Book and lyrics by Jeanie Linders. A musical play set in a department store, which pokes fun at things such as hot flashes, memory loss, mood swings, wrinkles, night sweats and eating binges in order to show that menopause is a passage, but no longer The Silent Passage. First produced in Orlando, Florida, in 2001.

Perfomance history in South Africa

2006: First produced in South Africa in 2006 by Hazel Feldman and Pieter Toerien, starring Kate Normington, Ilse Klink, Judy Ditchfield and Brenda Radloff (replaced by Lisa Melman in 2007). Directed by Maralin Vanrenen, with choreography by Vicki Friedman, Musical Direction by Lolly Sonmez and Bryan Kimmel. Sets by Jannie Swanepoel.

2011: Ntambo Rapatla replaced Ilse Klink in this production.


Theatre programme (2006-2007 production) held by NELM Location: [Collection: KORT, Maurice]: 2012. 379. 21. 43.

City Press, 4 December 2011.

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