Jy's Lieflik Vanaand
Jy's Lieflik Vanaand is a black and white Afrikaans film, written and directed by Gordon Vorster and released on 17 September 1962.
Gert van den Bergh (Anton Fourie), Lulu Kruger (Rika Venter), Dale Swanepoel (Joop Henning), Miemsie Retief (Estelle Venter), Johan van Heerden (Anton Fourie II), Douglas Fuchs (Swanepoel), Willie van Rensburg (Van Wyk), Willem Loots (Hannes Louw), Wena Naudé (Anton Fourie fan), Elsa Fouché (Anton Fourie fan), Nicky Caras (receptionist), Richard Daneel (Karel), Glenys Lynne (herself).
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