Elma Potgieter

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Elma Potgieter (1950?-) is a writer, singer, TV presenter, and stage, film and TV actress, playwright and director.



She matriculated at Helpmekaar College in Johannesburg in 1963.

She was married to the actor and director, Schalk Jacobsz (1936-2016). The couple met in 1970 and had one daughter, Christiane.


Studied at the University of Pretoria, completing a BA with French and German as majors. She also took private singing and drama lessons. Her singing classes were initially with Otto Albrecht Lewald, a young German musician who later immigrated to South Africa and played an important role in South African music circles, then with Sylvia Factor.


After her studies she worked as a journalist for three years before joining CAPAB in 1973.

In 1980 she and Schalk Jacobsz founded the Afrikaans professional production company Die Bywoners ("The share-croppers") in Johannesburg, which aimed at producing independent, indigenous works in Afrikaans.

Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

As stage actress

In her period with CAPAB she did four one-woman performances for them: Darling Blossom, Laetitia kom Terug, Vrou aan Flarde and Moervrug (in the latter she portrayed six personalities - three women, there men). She also appeared in performances of Pavane by André P. Brink, Welkom Weemoed by Hennie Aucamp and Faan se Trein by Pieter Fourie.

Her performances for Die Bywoners Teaterproduksies included

1971: Vrydag(an Afrikaans adaptation of Hugo Claus’ Dutch play, Vrijdag). Elma voices the role of the teenage Christiane, whose character is only heard but never seen, on-stage. She later named her daughter, Christiane, after her character. Vrydag was directed by Schalk Jacobsz and starred Leonora Nel, Paul Eilers, and Carel Trichardt. The play was performed at The Breytenbach Theatre.

1981: Hallo & Koebaai! (Athol Fugard translated by Schalk Jacobsz) Upstairs at the Market, directed by Jan Engelen and also starring Schalk Jacobsz at Upstairs at the Market.

1982: Hallo & Koebaai for Freddy Philander-Produksies in Namibia

1983: Darling Blossom a one woman performance in Johannesburg;

1986: Die Wildsboudjie as part of the Johannesbureg Centenary, the only Afrikaans production in the programme.

1986: Hoer of Heilige by Corlia Fourie

1996: Moervrug a one woman show by Elma Potgieter, adapted form Engemi Ferreira's novella, Die Jaar Toe My Ma Begin Sing Het.

She starred in the Die Bywoners production of the first translation of the Athol Fugard play Hello and Goodbye called Hallo en Koebaai, Other productions include Die Eensame Vlug, Darling Blossom, the radio drama Die Beskermengel and Voete van Goud,

They did Hallo & Koebaai for TV with Bill Flynn & Yvonne Bryceland.

She adapted Die Jaar Toe my Ma begin Sing het for the stage entitled Moervrug. She translated and adapted The Typists into Afrikaans.

Had a singing role in Jacques Brel for Taubie Kushlick.

Film performances

1984: Starred in Die Fluiter alongside Tromp Terre’blanche. The film was produced by Paul Eilers' production company, Eilers Films, while Faan van Tonder's Mandalay Films funded the production.

1991: Elma starred in Die Sonkring directed by Jan Scholtz.

Radio work

Acted in Eendag in Alicante (2024),

TV work

She was a presenter on a number of TV programmes, including Wielie Walie, Kraaines and Feite en Flaters.

2018: Binnelanders and 7de Laan.

As writer, translator and adapter

Awards, etc

Nominated for Rapport Oscar in 1979.


Tucker, 1997. 400.

SACD 1977/78; SACD1979/80.

Shortened CV of Elma Potgieter, RSG, 2018

Private correspondence from Elma Potgieter, 22 and 23 December, 2018.


Television South Africa (2022) Available from: https://www.tvsa.co.za/actors/viewactor.aspx?actorid=17961 (Accessed: 19 May 2022).

E-mail submission by Taryn Tavener-Smith, 2 August 2023.

A.J. Opperman 2023. "Magda en Elma vier 60ste saam" Die Burger: 12 August (Aktueel, p.3).

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• Televisieaanbieding – Wielie Walie; Kraaines, Feite en Flaters.

• Hoofrolle in wyedoekrolprente – Dr. Marius Hugo, Sonja, Soekie, Plekkie in die Son, Eensame Vlug. Vir Eensame Vlug word sy vir die ‘Rapport Oscar’ benoem vir vertolking van ‘n Jodin.

Werk in oorklanking as speler, regisseur en vertaler uit Frans, Duits, Engels. Vertaal oa die Franse kunsfilm, Camille Claudel in Afrikaans.

• Hoofrolle in TV-reekse: Sterretjie, Laksman, Losprys, Hoffman, Iemand om lief te hê, 7de Laan, Villa Rosa en Binnelanders.

• Verhooghoofrolle by Kruik: Pavane deur André Brink; Welkom Weemoed deur Hennie Aucamp, Faan se Trein deur Pieter Fourie.

• 1980 – stig Teatervennootskap, Die Bywoners, saam met Schalk Jacobsz wat ook regisseur is vir al die Bywoners-produksies.

• Die Bywoners Teaterproduksies: 1981 – Hallo & Koebaai! (Athol Fugard vertaal deur Schalk Jacobsz) Upstairs by die Mark in 1981; 1982 – Hallo & Koebaai vir Freddy Philander-Produksies in Namibië; 1983 – Darling Blossom – eenvrouvertoning deur Elma Potgieter in Johannesburg; 1986 – Die Wildsboudjie ter viering van Johannesburgse Eeufees – die enigste Afrikaanse produksie vir die geleentheid; 1986 – Hoer of Heilige deur Corlia Fourie – spelers: Elma Potgieter en Karin Retief; 1996 – Moervrug – eenvrouvertoning deur Elma Potgieter – deur Elma verwerk uit Engemi Ferreira se novelle, Die Jaar Toe My Ma Begin Sing Het.

• Skryfwerk. Sedert 2002 verskyn meer as 50 kortverhale deur Elma in Huisgenoot, Sarie, Rooi Rose en Vrouekeur. In 2007 publiseer NB Boeke haar eerste roman, ‘n Tweede Begin.

• Radio – as speler in verskeie dramas en reekse oor die jare en onlangs die skrywer van musiekdokkies: Edith Piaf en Jacques Brel wat sy geskryf en saamgestel het vir RSG. Ook boekvoorlesings. In 2018 skryf en stel sy ‘n musiekdokkie saam oor Elvis Presley – vyf episodes van 4 Januarie tot Donderdag 1 Februarie. Deurlooprol in Bure.

• Onlangse verhoogwerk. Kortkennisgewing oorname by Marga van Rooy as Daphne in Daa’ Gaat die Bruid vir Lefra Produksies in Januarie 2017; Mev. Holberg in My Man se Skelmpie se Skelmpie se Vrou vir Lefra Produksies vir vanjaar se KKNK, Aardklop en in 2018 se Oppiwater Kunstefees. Nog ‘n kortkennisgewing-verhoogoorname as Gertie in Reza de Wet se Mis vir André Stolz-Produksies in 2017.

• Skryf van ‘n Engelse radiodrama vir SAFM: Betrayal – oor mensehandel. Word in 2018 opgevoer en uitgesaai.

• Saamstel, skryf en aanbied van 'n reeks van 13 episodes - Vrouesupersterre oor Madonna, Whitney Houston, Barbra Streisand, Linda Ronstadt, Dolly Parton en Nana Mouskouri van Junie tot September 2018.