ESAT Foreign plays St-Stn
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The list
St Cupid, or Dorothy's Fortune (Jerrold)
St Patrick's Day, or The Scheming Lieutenant (Sheridan)
Stage Struck (Dimond)
Stage Struck (Gray)
Stage Struck, or The Loves of Augustus Portarlington and Celectina Beverley (Cobb/Dimond)
Star Chamber (Coward)
Starting Here, Starting Now (Maltby and Shire)
Stasiebevelvoerder, Die (Courteline and Lévy)
State Secrets, or The Tailor of Tamworth (Wilks)
Statue Blanch (pantomime) See Statue Blanche, or Harlequin and the Magic Cross]]
Statue Blanche, or Harlequin and the Magic Cross (pantomime)
Steeple-Chase, The, or In the Pigskin (Morton)
Stem van die Mens, Die (Cocteau) See La voix humaine
Steven's Minnebrief (Anon.)
Sticks and Bones (Rabe)
Sticks and Stones (Kukla)
Still Life (Byrne/Coward/or Mann)
Still Waters Run Deep (Taylor)
Stille Jan (Wijnstok)
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