Animal Farm

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A stage version of Animal Farm, the influential 1945 satirical novella by George Orwell.

The dramatic texts

The novel has been adapted for stage, film and radio and TV.

A musical adaptation titled Animals, by Willem van der Walt, Allan Stephenson and Michael Williams, was first produced in the early 1980s.

South African productions

1982: Directed by Norman Coombes, presented by PACT at the State Theatre Arena, March 1982, starring Diane Britz, Dorothy-Ann Gould, Peter Terry, Pierre Knoesen, Michael Maxwell, Hamilton McLeod and Alan Swerdlow. (The adaptation used is the one by by Nelson Bond, first produced at The Showtimers Studio Theatre in Roanoake, Virginia on September 29, 1961 and published by Samual French.)

2015: Produced at the Market Theatre in August and September by ShakeXperience and the Market Theatre, as a South African adaptation directed by Neil Coppen with an all women cast, including Mpume Mthombeni, Tshego Khutsoane, Mandisa Nduna , Khutjo Bakunzi-Green, Zesuliwe Hadebe and MoMo Matsunyane. Choreography by Daniel Buckland.


PACT theatre pamphlet

Sharmini Brookes, 2015. “Animal Farm - All Women All Great”, 09/01/2015 ; 06:14:49

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