Amphitryon 38
Amphitryon 38 is a play by French novelist and playwright Jean Giraudoux (1882-1944) [1]. This comedy is the retelling of the myth of how Jupiter descends from Olympus to woo the faithful wife of Amphitryon, the fair Alkmena.
The play enjoyed a successful run on Broadway in 1938.
The original text
Written and first performed in French in Paris, 1929.
Translations and adaptations
Adapted into English by S. N. Behrman.
Performance history in South Africa
1940: Presented by the Cape Town Repertory Theatre Society at the Little Theatre in May, directed by Leontine Sagan. She also directed a Johannesburg Repertory Players production of the play at the Standard Theatre in Johannesburg. Date unknown.
1946: Rhodes University College Dramatic Society production produced by Leon Gluckman with Beth Dickerson as secretary to the production, in the third term of 1946, with Leon Gluckman amongst others in the cast.
1942: First performed professionally in South Africa by the Johannesburg REPS in 1942.
1952: It was once again performed in 1952 with Leon Gluckman directing and co-starring with Margaret Inglis.
Inskip, 1972. p.125. (re the Little Theatre production).
Theatre programme held by NELM (Johannesburg Repertory Players production).
Theatre programme held by NELM (Rhodes production): [Collection: DICKERSON, Beth]: 2009. 113. 2. 3
Tucker, 1997. 19, 65.
Photographs held by NELM: [Collection: Gluckman, Leon]: 1995. 2. 7. 1. 4. 1
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