Breathing In

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Breathing In is an English play by Reza de Wet.

The original text

A play about relationships and survival during the Anglo-Boer War, it is a variation/adaptation of the theme of Nag, Generaal by the same author.

There are strong thematic and situational similarities between this work and her Afrikaans play Nag, Generaal (1991). In her English reworking of the Afrikaans text she melds the protagonist, the General's wife Martha, with the enigmatic herbal doctor Naas, to form one central character.

Translations and adaptations

Breathing In was in its turn translated back into Afrikaans as Asem ("breath") by Marthinus Basson and had its premiére at the KKNK in 2017.


2004: First produced as Breathing In by The First Physical Theatre Company and Baxter Theatre at the Baxter Theatre and Grahamstown Festival in 2004, directed by Marthinus Basson with Antoinette Kellermann (as Anna), Jenny Stead, Grethe Fox, Mark Hoeben and Ashley Waterman.

200*: Breathing In directed by Floyed de Vaal ** in 200*

2017: Asem performed at the KKNK festival by the National Theatre Initiative (Nati) and the Feesteforum, directed by Marthinus Basson with Antoinette Kellermann, Tinarie van Wyk-Loots, Stian Bam en Edwin van der Walt.

2018: Asem performed at the Woordfees festival in March by the National Theatre Initiative (Nati) and the Feesteforum, directed by Marthinus Basson with Antoinette Kellermann, Tinarie van Wyk-Loots, Stian Bam en Edwin van der Walt.


NELM [Collection: The First Physical Theatre Company]: 2011. 94. 12. 4. 4

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