Rob Roy, The Gregarach

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Rob Roy, The Gregarach is a romantic drama in three acts by George Soan[1].

The original text

First produced at the Drury Lane Theatre, on March 25, 1818. Published in London by Richard White 1818.

South African productions

A play called Rob Roy MacGregor Campbell, said to be based on Scott's novel, was performed a number of times in the African Theatre, Cape Town by the amateur company English Theatricals in the years 1823-24 (it is later simply referred to a Rob Roy in the sources). It may have been this version by Soane, though it is most likely the more widely known and published musical version by Isaac Pocock (1782–1835)[2], with music by John Davy (1763-1824)[3], since there are references to an Overture and original music in the advertisements for the productions.

For performances in South Africa, see Rob Roy