Largo Desolato

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Largo Desolato [1] is a 1984 semi-autobiographical play by Czech playwright Václav Havel (1936-2011) [2].

The original text

Translations and adaptations

The play is dedicated to Czech-born British playwright Tom Stoppard, who translated it into English under the same title for its world premiere in Bristol, England, in 1986.

Performance history in South Africa

1988: The Stoppard English translation was staged by PACT in the Momentum Theatre, directed by Bobby Heaney, with Michael McCabe (Leopold Nettles), Bill Curry (Edward), Jacqui Singer (Suzana), Jonathan Rands (First Sidney & Second Chap)), Peter Se-Puma (Second Sidney & First Chap)), Lesley Rochat (Lucy), Dale Cutts (Bertram) and Margaret King (Marguerite). Decor, costumes and lighting by James MacNamara.


PACT theatre programme, 1988.

Petru & Carel Trichardt theatre programme collection.

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