Bilingual and Multilingual

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Bilingual and Multilingual are two extremely important concepts in understanding South African culture

(See also Multicultural)


The usual dictionary definition of bilingual is "speaking two languages fluently" (or "a person able to speak two languages fluently", "an organization employing two languages for communicative purposes", "a literary work written in two languages", etc.). However, in South Africa, for most of the 20th century, the term would specifically be used to indicate "speaking English and Afrikaans fluently", or in the case of organizations, schools and literary works, etc. "utilizing both English and Afrikaans".

In the late 20th century, and particularly after 1994, the special use of the term has become problematic, though it is still used in this way by some members of the older generation.

With 11 official languages recognized in the country since 1994, bilingual has apparently now regained its original meaning of "able to speak any two languages fluently". Indeed the concept of multilingual and multilingualism has become an equally - if not more - important point of debate.


Multilingualism is defined by Wikipedia[1] as "the use of more than one language, either by an individual speaker or by a community of speakers", however in South Africa there is a clear distinction made between .

Southern Africa, like much of Africa has always had many spoken languages and there have always been people able to speak and understand two or more languages with varying degrees of fluency. This was particularly true of workers living in the cities and of white farmers living in rural areas.

However, only the European languages (Dutch, English) and the Germanic derivative Afrikaans were recognized as national languages.


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