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#REDIRECT[[A Lucky Hit, or Railroads for Ever]]
#REDIRECT[[Le Capitaine Roquefinette]]
''  is a play by Edward Stirling
Also known simply as ''[[A Lucky Hit]]''
First performed as in London on 23 April, 1836 and published by T.H. Lacy, in Volume III of Lacy's Acting Editions. Another version, just called ''[[A Lucky Hit]]'' was performed on 1 February, 1858.
'''December 28 & 30, 1861:''' The [[Officers of the Regiment]] performed three one-act productions. The first one was Edward Stirling's one-act comic drama, '''''[[A Lucky Hit]]''''' which is set in Versailles. Cast: [[W. Malcom]] Esq. (Duc D'Anjou, King of Spain), Captain [[G. E. Bulger]] (Baron de Ville Blanche, a courtier), [[S. F. Poole]] Esq (Chevalier de Castagnac, a poet), [[W. J. B. Martin]] Esq. (Raoul de Givery, an Officer of the Guard), [[R. Annesley]] Esq. (Captain Gascon La Tour, a disbanded officer), [[J. S. Brougham]] Esq. (1st Gentleman of the Court), [[J. C. Little]] Esq. (2nd Gentleman of the Court), Corporal [[J. Davies]] (Baroness de Ville Blanche).
Allardyce Nicoll. 1930. ''History of English Drama, 1660-1900'', Volume 5, Part 2: CUP Archive[https://books.google.co.za/books?id=CHa3njx5AzYC&pg=PA584&lpg=PA584&dq=A+Lucky+Hit+by+Edward+Stirling&source=bl&ots=d78trzYrqb&sig=OhfBrGPDTjVxHClFd8wXZfmQ_8A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5xp7btczcAhVFJMAKHdAhBCUQ6AEwC3oECAEQAQ#v=onepage&q=A%20Lucky%20Hit%20by%20Edward%20Stirling&f=false]
Allardyce Nicoll. 2009. A History of Early Ninteenth Century Drama 1800-1850. Cambridge University Press, [https://books.google.co.za/books?id=gnc3AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA396&lpg=PA396&dq=A+Lucky+Hit+by+Edward+Stirling&source=bl&ots=kdhPKnBe4z&sig=KRyfE-vql2SSN6v8iLunTG5jxz0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5xp7btczcAhVFJMAKHdAhBCUQ6AEwDnoECAAQAQ#v=onepage&q=A%20Lucky%20Hit%20by%20Edward%20Stirling&f=false]

Latest revision as of 06:32, 2 August 2018