Mag ek Saamspeel?

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Mag ek Saamspeel? ("May I play?") by Marcel Achard [1] (1999-1974). Marcel Achard wrote his first play in 1922 and had a major success the following year when renowned actor-director Charles Dullin staged his play Voulez-vous jouer avec moâ? [Would You Like to Play with Me?], a sensitively delicate comedy about circus and its clowns, casting the playwright in a small part, as one of the clowns.

Translated into Afrikaans by Laurie van der Merwe and directed for NTO by Tone Brulin in 1959. The venue was the NTO Kamertoneel. The cast: Richard Daneel, Piet Bezuidenhout, Dale Swanepoel, Emsie Botha.


Lantern, 9(2):193. Dec 1959.

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