Investigation into the Death of a Greek

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Investigation into the Death of a Greek is a full-length play by Cape Town journalist James Lodge. (See Gosher, 1988)

The original text

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1968: Presented by CAPAB as a playreading on 27 November.

1973: Staged by PACT Drama, directed by Norman Coombes, with Lindsay Reardon (Orestes), David van der Merwe (Aegisthus), Jud Cornell (Clytemnestra), Gillian Garlick (Electra), Ian Walters (Krios), Nigel Vermaas (Mardonius), Will Bernard (Dorian), Jan Engelen (Pylades), Adriaan van Niekerk (Callinia), Janice Honeyman (Katrina), Eckard Rabe (Fassionos), Pieter Strydom (Philip) and Elise Hibbert (Henniocha).


Grütter, Wilhelm, CAPAB 25 Years, 1987. Unpublished research. p 58.

PACT Newsletter, December 1972.

PACT theatre programme, 1973.

Petru & Carel Trichardt theatre programme collection.

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