The Zoo Story
The Zoo Story (1958), originally titled Peter and Jerry, is a one-act play by American playwright Edward Albee (born 1928). His first play, it was written in 1958 and completed in just three weeks. It is a brilliant duologue between Jerry, a neurotic outcast, and respectable, bourgeois Peter who meet in Central Park.
Performance history in South Africa
In South Africa it was performed by students of the University of the Witwatersrand School of Dramatic Art in The Nunnery at some stage between 1975 and 1983. Directed by Noël Roos for the University of Stellenbosch Drama Department in the Keller Theatre in March 1983, starring Neels Engelbrecht and Robert Finlayson.
Directed by Willie Fritz for CAPAB, starring Peter Butler and Royston Stoffels, opening July 13, 1990.
Presented by The Mechanicals, directed by Christopher Weare starring Nicholas Pauling and Scott Sparrow at the Intimate Theatre, Cape Town, October-November 2008. This production was also seen on the National Arts Festival Fringe in 2009.
National Arts Festival 2015.
Translations and adaptations
Teaterforum, 4(1), 1983, 113-114.
Theatre pamphlet
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