De Man naar de Klok

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A comedy in one act by Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel (The Elder, 1741 –1796). A Dutch translation of the original German play called Der Mann nach der Uhr, oder der ordentliche Mann Der Mann Nach der Uhr, Oder der Ordentliche Mann ("The man of the hour, or the decent man").

The original text

Written and performed in German in 1766, published in German by Hartknoch in Riga, 1771.

Translations and adaptations

Translated into Dutch as De Man naar de Klok ("The man of the hour") for performance by the theatre association Deugd en Vermaak in Alkaar, Holland, by Abraham Maas . Published in Dutch Te Alkmaar : by J. Hand, 1792.

Performance history in South Africa

1834: Performed in Stellenbosch by Door Yver Vruchtbaar in the The Stellenbosch Amateur Theatre (De Stellenbosche Liefhebbery Tooneel) on 26 July, as afterpiece to Menschenhaat en Berouw (Kotzebue).


Digital facsimile of the Dutch text, Google Books[1]

F.C.L. Bosman, 1928: pp. 254, 280

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