Die Spanier in Peru oder Rollas Tod

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("The Spanish in Peru, or The death of Rolla") A German tragedy in five acts by August von Kotzebue, 1761-1819

The original text

Described as "Ein romantisches Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen", the play was first performed in 1795 and published Leipzig, 1796.

It was a sequel to his earlier five act play Die Sonnenjungfrau("The Sunmaiden" in English, "Die Sonnenmaagd" in Dutch), the play which first featured Kotzebue's hero Rolla. (First performed in the Liebhabertheater at Reval on 19 December, 1789 and published in Leipzig in 1791.

Translations and adaptations

It has been translated many times and into many languages.

Into English

There are a number of English translations of the play, two appearing in the 1790s, alongside an adaptation by Sheridan. The titles also vary considerably, according to the translator. E.g. The Spaniards in Peru; or, The death of Rolla (by Anne Plumtre, performed and published 1799?*), Pizarro in Peru, or, The death of Rolla (by William Dunlap, published 1800, , or in later editions as Pizarro, or The Death of Rolla.

The most famous English version of the play though, and a huge commercial success for the adaptor, is Pizarro , a melodramatic adaptation by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, performed at the Drury Lane theatre and published under the title in 1799.

Into Dutch

Translated into Dutch as De Spanjaarden in Peru, of De Dood van Rolla [Alternately also written De Spanjarden in Peru, of De Dood van Rolla and published in Amsterdam by J. Doll in 1796.

Performance history in South Africa

1835: Performed on 16 May as Pizarro in the Kaapsche Liefhebbery Theater ("The Cape Amateur Theatre") by the Dutch amateur company Vlyt en Kunst, most probably in Dutch, (though Bosman lists only the English title in his Index.) The accompanying piece is Jerome Pointu (Dorvigny).

1835: Repeated on 13 June as Pizarro in the Kaapsche Liefhebbery Theater ("The Cape Amateur Theatre") by the Dutch amateur company Vlyt en Kunst, most probably in Dutch, (though Bosman lists only the English title in his Index.) The accompanying piece is Warren's Blacking, 30 Strand (translated from the English by "an Amateur")


https://archive.org/details/pizarrospaniards00kotziala Facsimile Die Sonnenjungfrau[1] Facsimile De Spanjaarden in Peru [2] John Philip Kemble promptbooks, Volume 1 The Folger facsimiles[3] Text of Pizarro by Sheridan, Google Books[4]

F.C.L. Bosman, 1928: pp. 333,

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