ESAT Bibliography F
Click on the appropriate letter of the alphabet below to find the relevant list.
Farber, Tanya. 2000. A barrow-load from Opperman. In: Cue, 2 July, 2000: 16.
Fair play for the players? [Acting profession]. 1979. Scenaria, (13): 3.
Farmer, Anthony 1981. Thoughts on Applause. Scenaria, Special issue: 33-35.
Fatima Dike. 1085. Alpha, 23(4) : 1. May.
Fear and Laughing In South Africa. Time Europe [serial online]. July 23, 2001;158(4):63. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed July 14, 2010.
Federasie van amateur-toneelverenigings van Suid-Afrika 1952. Transvaalse provinsiale toneelfees. Helikon, 1(3): 20-22. February.
February, Vernon. 1981. Mind your colour :the 'coloured' stereotype in South African literature. London: Kegan Paul International. 809.968 FEB
Ferguson, Ian 1968. Who’d be an actress in South Africa? Teater S.A., 1(2): 7-8. December.
Ferguson, Ian 1969. Brian Brooke: doyen of South Africa’s entertainers. Teater S.A., 1(3): 10-11. April.
Ferguson, Ian 1978. Three profiles from the South African theatre: Pieter-Dirk Uys, Ken Leech, Robert Mohr. Theatre quarterly, 7(28): 87-94.
Ferguson, Ian 1993 South African theatre and the future of drama departments. South African theatre journal, 7(2): 54-62.
Ferguson, Ian 1997. Drie susters twee, deur Reza de Wet. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal,11(1&2):313-321.
Ferrinho, H.M. 1973. Theatre as a process of communication for rural development. South African journal of agricultural extension, 2:36-38.
Ferrino, H. 1980. Community theatre. South African outlook, 110: 109-111. July.
Ferrino, H. 1980. Community theatre. Social work, 16: 164-167.
Ferreira, O.J.O. 2006. Anna Neethling-Pohl [1906-1992]: ’n huldeblyk in haar eeufeesjaar. South African journal of cultural histroy, 20(2): 42-54.
Ferreira-Ross, J.D. Dramatic space. Lantern, 31(4): 2-7
Ferrocement provides solution for Playhouse reflectors. 1986. South African construction world, 5(5) : 38-41, 45.
Ffrangcon-Davies and Marda Vanne team up. 1941. Forum. 4(7): 29-30. March 24.
FIASCONARO, Gregorio. 1982. I'd Do It All Again. (Ed Hilary Rennie). Cape Town: Books of Africa.
Finestone-Praeg, Juanita 2007. Reflective (a)musings on 16 kinds of emptiness…: re-framing research for practice. South African theatre journal, 21: 203-220.
Finscham, G. 2002. Reappropriating Shakespeare. New contrast, 30(1): 113-121.
Fiona Fraser. 1961. Femina, 18. November 23.
Fiona Fraser. 1961. Sarie Marais, 13(6): 25. September 27.
First South African. [Dramatic criticism, Fatima Dike]. 1977. Speak, 1(1): 14-17. December.
Fischer, R.C. 1971. Nico Malan – the unconventional in our midst. Sigma, 6-10.
Fish, Patrick 1991 Malan, the Movie: The BBC version of Rian Malan’s My Traitor’s Heart. South African theatre journal, 5(1):98-108.
Fitzmaurice, Susan 1999. Aspects of Afrikaans in South African literature in English. In: Imagined commonwealths: Cambridge essays on Commonwealth and international literature in English. London: Macmillan.
Fleishman, Mark. 1990. Workshop theatre as oppositional form. South African theatre journal, 4(1): 88-118.
Fleishman, Mark 1991. Workshop theatre in South Africa in the 1980s: a critical examination with specific reference to power, orality and the carnivalesque. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, (MA thesis).
Fleishman, Mark 1996. Physical images in the South African theatre. In Davis, Geoffrey V. & Fuchs, Anne (eds.) Theatre and change in South Africa. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishing. p. 173-182.
Fleishman, Mark 1997 Physical images in the South African theatre. South African theatre journal, 11(1&2): 199-214.
Fleishman, Mark. 1998. Making people’s theatre, by Robert Mshengu Kavanagh. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 12(1&2):253-256.
Fleishman, Mark 2001. Unspeaking the centre. In Kriger, Robert & Zegeye, Abebe (eds) Culture in the new South Africa: after apartheid. Vol.2. Cape Town: Kwela Books. p. 91-115.
Fleishman, Mark & Davids, Nadia 2007. Moving theatre: of the place of theatre in the process of memorializing District Six through an examination of Magnet Theatre’s production Onnest’bo. South African theatre journal, 21: 149-165.
Fleishman, Mark 2009. Knowing performance: performance as knowledge paradigm for Africa. South African theatre journal, 23: 116-136.
Fletcher, D. 1976. Etienne Rousseau theatre. South African builder. 55(1): 14-15. January.
Fletcher, Jill 1990. Puppetry, a guide for beginners, by Marie Kruger. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 4(2):114.
Fletcher, Jill 1994. The Story of theatre in South Africa: a guide to its history from 1780-1930. Cape Town: Vlaeberg.
Flockemann, Miki 1991 Gcina Mhlope’s Have you seen Zandile? English or english? The situation of drama in literature and language departments in the emergent post-Availability: Document Delivery: ISAP Document Delivery: National Apartheid South Africa. South African theatre journal, 5(2): 40-54.
Flockemann, Miki 1994a. Imagining women: cultural representation and gender, edited by F. Bonner, L. Goodman, R. Allen, L. James & C.King. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 8(1): 81-83.
Flockemann, Miki 1994b. A situated perspective on contemporary feminist theatres. Studies in theatre production, 10: 31-38.
Flockemann, Miki 1996. From ghosts of the past to cross-cultural love stories for teens. Theatre and fictions of childhood for teaching in the transition. In Wittenberg, Hermann & Nas, Loes (eds.) AUETSA 96 : proceedings of the conference of the Association of University English Teachers of South Africa, University of the Western Cape, 30 June-5 July 1996. Vol 1, p. 131-142.
Flockemann M. 1996.From Ghosts of the Past to Cross-Cultural Love Stories for Teens: Theatre and Fictions of Childhood for Teaching in the Transition. AUETSA 96, I-II: Southern African Studies [e-book]. Bellville, South Africa: U of Western Cape P; n.d.:131.
Flockemann, Miki 1996. Medeas from Corinth and Cape-Town: Cross- Cultural Encounters, Theatre, and the Teaching Context. Alternation 3(1): 82-93.
Flockemann, Miki 1997. Teaching large classes, reaching across multilingualism: a UWC experiment with playtexts. Journal for language teaching, 31(3): 276-283.
Flockemann, M. 1998. Categories and cultural continuums: a response to ‘Theatre and society in South Africa’, by Temple Hauptfleisch. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 12(1&2): 244-252
Flockemann M. 1998. White Men With Weapons, Black Women With Dresses: The TRC and Refashioning Myths of Identity. JTD: Journal of Theatre and Drama [serial
online]. 1998;4:7-22.
Flockemann Miki 1999. Getting harder? From post-Soweto to post-election: South African theatre and the politics of gender. Contemporary theatre review, 9(3): 37.
Flockemann Miki & Mazibuko T. 1999. Between women -- an interview with Gcina Mhlophe. Contemporary theatre review, 9(1): 41.
Flockemann Miki 1999. On not giving up -- an interview with Fatima Dike. Contemporary theatre review, 9(1): 17.
Flockemann, Miki 2001 The aesthetics of transformation: Reading strategies for South African theatre entering the new millennium. South African theatre journal, 15:25-39
Flockeman, Miki 2002. Translations, Affirmations, Inventions and Subversions: Grahamstown 2002. South African theatre journal, 16: 198 – 207.
Fictions of Childhood for Teaching in the Transition By: Flockemann, Miki. pp.
FOLEY, ANDREW. 2001 Multiple levels of meaning and liberal existentialism in Athol Fugard’s Boesman and Lena. South African theatre journal, 15:40-55.
Foord, W. 1981. Dramaspel : die preprimêre en junior primêre kind. Pretoria: Universiteit van Pretoria. (MA thesis).
Fourie, C. 1971. Nog ’n vet jaar vir Truk. Sarie Marais, 23(13): 58-62. December 29.
Fourie, C. 1972a. Eksperiment op planke. Sarie Marais, 24(8): 150-153. October 11.
Fourie, C. 1972b. Seerkryspel is die liefde. [PG du Plessis]. Sarie Marais, 23(22): 78-84. May 10.
Fourie, C. 1977. Magda Beukes het baie vriende nodig. Huisgenoot, 100-101. August 26.
Fourie, C. 1978. Drie drama-makers. [Lerina Erasmus]. Huisgenoot, 8-10. December 21.
FOURIE, CHARLES J. 1997. Interview with the outsider: Athol Fugard. Mail & Guardian. 15-21 August: Friday.
Fourie, Carien. 1994. Casino onder in die Staatsteater moet hom red. In: Beeld, October 15, 1994: 1.
Fourie, Charles. 1997. Interview with the outsider. In: Mail & Guardian, August 21, 1997: 4.
Fourie, Charles. 1999. Breyten Breytenbach se Boklied (book review). Tydskrif vir Letterkunde. xxxvii/2: 126.
FOURIE, EUNICE. 1985. Die Sentrum vir SA Teaternavorsing (SESAT). In: Temple Hauptfleisch (ed), The Breytie Book. Randburg: The Limelight Press. p. 123-126.
Fourie, F. 1976a. Egpaar verruil teater vir TV. Huisgenoot, 12-14,. May 28.
Foruie, F. 1976b. Katinka is klaar met ‘kinderlikheid’. Huisgenoot, 10-11. April 30.
Fourie, F. 1977. ‘Liewe ou lady’ bly een stryk deur besig. [Wena Naudé]. Huisgenoot, 21-22. February 25.
Fourie, F. 1977. Dulsie skinder darem nie soos ou Leen nie. Huisgenoot, 90-91. September 16.
Fourie, F. 1977. Sakemanne praat windskeef. [Truk]. Huisgenoot, 16-17. June 24.
Fourie, F. 1978. Allan [Deyssel] is so halfpad Bat. Huisgenoot, 10. March 10.
Fourie, F. 1978. Sys peel toneel tot die laaste. [Wena Naudé]. Huisgenoot, 88-91. May 26.
Fourie, F. 1977. Almal gek na ‘geplooide ou sjimpansee’ Niehaus. Huisgenoot, 4-5. August 19.
Fourie, F. 1977. Moet hom net nie Lammie noem nie! Huisgenoot, 106-107. September 23.
Fourie, F. 1977. Tobie Cronjé: die hanswors wat darem ernstig wil wees ook. Huisgenoot, 23. November 4.
Fourie, F. 1980. ‘Nuwe’ Sandra, ‘n nuwe lewe. Huisgenoot, 26-29. September 18.
Fourie, F. 1985. Liesl gebore vir drama. [Liesl van den Bergh]. Huisgenoot, 10-11. April 11.
Fourie, J.J. 1990. Teaterstrategieë aanvullend by letterkunde-onderrig in die sekondêre skool. Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbosch. (M.Dram thesis).
Fourie, P. 1962. Teater, toneel en toeskouer. Stellenbosse student, 54-56.
Fourie, P. 1964. Kruik vs Nasionale teater, Londen. Stellenbosse student, 103-105
Fourie, P. 1981. Crisis at Capab. Scenaria, (27): 9-11.
Fourie, Pieter 1980. [Pieter Fourie on theatrical directing]. Scenaria, (20): 15.
Fox, R. 1971. Joseph Stone auditorium: Eoan group cultural centre, Athlone, Cape. Plan, 56(5): 11-14. March.
Franscis, Benjy 1979. Black writing: problems and prospects of a tradition: writing for the theatre today. S'ketsh' Winter: 10-11.
Francis, Benjy 1980. At this stage [production and direction]. Wietie, 2: 24-26.
Francis, Kati 2006. Theatre of struggle and transformation: A critical investigation into the power of oral traditions as used by director Mark Fleishman. South African theatre journal, 20: 102-127.
Frank, Haike 2004. Role-play in South African theatre. Bayreuth : Breitinger.
Fraser, F. 1964. All South Africa’s a stage. Femina, 96-105. September 24.
French, Leslie 1957. Vigour in South Africa. International theatre annual, 2: 146-151.
FRIEDMAN, Gary. 1992. Puppetry and AIDS Education. In: Progress (Summer): 38-39.
Friedman, Gary 1986. Puppets against apartheid: from a series of letters, papers and press cuttings. Animations, 9(3): 48-49.
Friedman, Hazel. 1996. A pity about the power-play. In: Mail & Guardian, August 15, 1996: 26.
FRINGE BENEFITS. 1988 Interviews with Three Playwrights: Wayne Robbins, Norman Coombes & Deon Opperman. South African theatre journal, 2(2):105-109.
Fry, T. 1981. Sun City entertainment centre – a race against time. Electrical engineer, 31-35. September. [electronic sound control]
From Ghosts of the Past to Cross-Cultural Love Stories for Teens: Theatre and
Fuchs, Anne 1990. Playing the Market. The Market Theatre. Johannesburg 1976-1986. London: Harwood Academic Publishers.
Fuchs, Anne 2000. The threshold of the stage : South African storytelling and drama. Anglophonia: French journal of English studies, 7: 139-146.
Fugard A. 1973. Fugard on Fugard. Yale - Theatre [serial online]. Winter1973 1973;4(1):41-54.
Fugard, Athol 1983. Notebooks :1960-1977. Johannesburg: Donker.
Fugard, Athol 1987. A place with the pigs. Theater magazine, 19(1): 51-69.
Fugard, Athol 1990. Scenes from a censored life. American theatre, 7(8): 30-35, 68-69.
Fugard, Athol 1993. Playland. American theatre, 10(3): 1-13.
Fugard, Athol. 1994. Cousins. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.
Fugard, Athol 2010. Zkaes Mokae: 1934-2009. (In memoriam). American theatre, 27(1): 23-24.
Fugard on acting, actors on fugard. 1978. Theatre quarterly, 7(28): 83-87.
Funny man 1999. Economist financial report, 352(8127): 79. July 10.
Fysh, Robert 1979. Dianne Britz: a profile. Scenaria, (15): 28-29.
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