ESAT Bibliography C
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Callaghan, Cedric 1983. Black theatre in South Africa. Black American literary forum, 17: 83.
CAMERON, TREWHELLA (ed). 1986. An Illustrated History of South Africa. Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Publishers.
CAMPSCAHREUR, WILLEM AND DIVENDAL, JOOST. 1989, Culture in another South Africa. London: Zed
Camus, Albert. 1970 Selected Essays and Notebooks, ed and trs Philip Thody. Harmondsworth, Penguin.
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CAPAB Annual Reports (1986/87 and 1987/88). Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Press.
CAPAB’s dynamic Fourie. 1978. Scenaria, June/July: 18.
Capraro, Anine 1986. George Ballot : ster met sy voete op die grond. Sarie, 37(15) : 55-57, 62, 127. January 29.
A career behind the scenes. 1986. Scenaria, (61) : 31-32.
Careers in the performing arts. 1974. My career, 25(3)-(4).
Carklin, M.L. 1996. Drama in South African secondary schools: meeting the challenge of educational change. Grahamstown: Rhodes University. (MA thesis).
CARKLIN, MICHAEL. 1996 Mediums of change: The Arts in Africa ’95 Conference. South African theatre journal, 10(1):88-93.
Carklin M. 1997. Rainbows and spider webs: new challenges for theatre in a transformed system of education in South Africa [1]. Research in drama education, 2(2): 203-213.
Carola, Luther 1985. Problems and possibilities: a discussion on the making of alternative theatre in South Africa. English Academy review, 2: 19-32.
Carr, G. 1951. Early drama in South Africa. Trek, 15(1): 26-27.
Carruthers, H. 1953. South Africa’s Lilliput theatre. Outspan, 53(1391): 34-35. October 23.
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Causton, Patricia 1957. The Children’s Theatre in South Africa. Lantern. Pretoria (December 1957)
CELLI, L. 1937. South African Dramatists In: South African Opinion. 15 May: 13-14.
Certainly with it [children’s theatre group]. 1967. South African panorama, 12(9): 20-23.September.
CESAT. 1985. A Chronology of South African Theatre. In: Temple Hauptfleisch (ed), The Breytie Book. Randburg: The Limelight Press.
Chambers, Stephan 1984. The Market Theatre Johannesburg. Cue, 5(30): 10-12.
CHAPMAN, Michael, GARDNER, Colin and MPHAHLELE, Es'kia. (Eds). 1992. Perspectives on South African English Literature. Johannesburg: Ad Donker.
Chapman, Michael 1989. The critic in a state of emergency: toward a theory of reconstruction. SAVAL conference papers IX. 269-291.
Chapman, Michael. 1996. Southern African Literatures. London: Longman.
Chatrooghoon, M. 1988. A comparative assessment of the verbal communication of standard ten speech and drama and non-speech and drama pupils in Verulam. M.A. thesis. University of Durban-Westville.
Chatrooghoon, M. 1992. The value of creative drama in the treatment of stuttering. Durban: University of Durban-Westville. (D Phil thesis).
Chinyowa, Kennedy 2009. Theatrical performance as technology: the case of drama in AIDS education (DramAidE) in South Africa. Studies in theatre & performance, 29(1): 33-52.
Cilliers, J. 1979. Best little powerhouse in Jo’burg. [Dawn Lindberg]. Fair lady,15(13): 62-67. October 19.
Civic theatre at Johannesburg. 1962. South African builder, 40(8): 14-23.
Claassen, Jacques 1986. Maude vir Antjie. De kat, 2(3) : 50-53.
Claassen, George 1996 News as vaudeville: The dramatic image; news diffusion and demise of cultural literacy through show business. South African theatre journal, 10(2):101-115.
Claassen, George 1998. Just the ticket! – my 50 years in show b Kirby, P.R. 1962. Frederick Timpson I’Ons and the first sixteen years of the theatre in Grahamstown. Africana notes & news, usiness by Percy Tucker. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 12(1&2):237-243.
Cleary, Beth 2000. The Zulu by Mbongeni Ngema. Reviewed in Theatre journal, 52(4): 571-572.
Cloete, L. 1971. Sphinx on Table mountain. [sets for Aïda]. Personality, 55-56. March 14.
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CLOETE, MIKE (ed). 1974. The First Ten Years – CAPAB/KRUIK – Die Eerste Tien Jaar. Cape Town: The Standard Press.
Cloete, T.T. 1965. Die stem in die literere kunswerk - 'n ondersoek na die aanbiedingswyse in die liriese en epiese poesie, verhalende prosa en drama, deur J.C. Kannemeyer. Reviewed in: Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 5(4): 438-442.
Cloete, T.T. 1975. [Henriette Grové] se Toe hulle die vierkleur op Rooigrond gehys het. [Literary criticism]. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 13(4): 82-84. November.
Cloete, T.T. 1984. Die dramatiese vers van Die laaste aand. In: Malan, Charles (ed.) Spel en spieël : besprekings van die moderne Afrikaanse drama en teater. Johannesburg: Perskor. p. 105-114.
Clowes, L. (2008). ‘Masculinity, Matrimony and Generation: Reconfiguring Patriarchy in Drum 1951-1983’. Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 34, issue 1, pp. 179-192.
Coetser, A. 1984. Kontekstuele vrae [en antwoorde] oor Ontmoeting by Dwaaldrif van Henriëtte Grové. Klasgids, 19(1) – (2).
Coetser, J.L. 1991. Dat die klip kan heers: Pieter Fourie se Die koggelaar. Literator, 12(2): 45-58. 12(3) ????
Coetser, J.L. 1994. Die dieper reg (N.P. van Wyk Louw): Royce, regsidee, resepsie. Literator, 15(2): 35-53.
Coetser, Johan. 1998. Drie Susters Twee (by Reza de Wet) (book review). Tydskrif vir Letterkunde. xxxvi/2: 97.
Coetser, Johan. 1998. Die Dramateks as Handleiding (Marisa Keuris, 1996) (book review). Tydskrif vir Letterkunde. xxxvi/2: 99.
Coetser, J.L. 1999. Die drama in Afrikaans: ‘n bewegende sentrum? Tydskrif vir Letterkunde. xxxvii/2: 44.
Coetser, J.L. 1999. Afrikaanse drama en toneel oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog, 1900-1920: Aspekte van identiteit . Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans, 6(2) : 131-149.
Coetser, J.L. 2003. 'n Herinnering aan brokke toneelgeskiedenis : boekresensies Literator, 24(1) : 172-176.
Coetser, J.L. 2008. Gemeenskapstoneel deur Robert J. Pearce: aspekte van bewussyn (‘n eerste verkenning). South African theatre journal, 22: 166-189.
Coetser, J.L. 2003. “So little of it left”: remembrance, occasion and event in Afrikaans theatre. South African theatre journal, 17: 8-36.
Coetser, J.L. 2006. Standaardwerk oor Suid-Afrikaanse toneelgeskiedenis: boekresensie. Literator, 27(2): 159-161
Coetser, J.L. 2009. Kaburu: ‘n drama vir die verhoog deur D. Opperman. Reviewed in Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 49(4): 740-741.
COETZEE, AMANDA. 1996. Jaar van skitterende SA toneelstukke. Beeld. 31 Desember: Kalender.
COETZEE, AMANDA. 1996. Kaaplandse Vita-Pryse. Beeld. 8 Augustus: Kalender.
Coetzee, Amanda. 1998. Man in toppos bedank by stadskouburg in Goudstad. In: Beeld, June 26, 1998: 3.
Coetzee, A.J. 1971. ATKV huldig die dramaturg Beukes. Taalgenoot, 40(11): 7. October.
Coetzee, A.J. 1978. Verlede: gedagtenis en noodlot in die dramas van Pieter Fourie. Standpunte, 31(4): 52-60. August.
Coetzee, Ampie 1984. Woord en daad, teken en saak, teks en handeling: Pavane van André P. Brink. In: Malan, Charles (ed.) Spel en spieël : besprekings van die moderne Afrikaanse drama en teater. Johannesburg: Perskor. p. 83-92.
Coetzee, Gerda. 1995. Feesvier is nog nie teaterkultuur. Insig, 08/95: 42.
Coetzee, A.J. 1978. Verlede: gedagtenis en noodlot in die dramas van Pieter Fourie. Standpunte, 31(4): 52-60. August.
COETZEE, MARIÉ-HELEEN. 2000 Playing sticks: An exploration of Zulu stick fighting as performance. South African theatre journal, 14:97-113
COETZEE, MARIÉ-HELEEN. 2001 Paddy Crean International Stage Combat Congress/Workshop, Canada. South African theatre journal, 15:158-160.
Coetzee M. 2000. Playing Sticks: An Exploration of Zulu Stick Fighting as Performance. South African Theatre Journal [serial online]. 2000;14:97-113.
Coetzee M, Munro M, De Boer A. 2004. Deeper Sites through Various Lines: LMS and Whole-Brain Learning in Body/Voice Training for Performers in the HET Band. South African Theatre Journal [serial online]. 2004;18:135-158.
Coetzee, Marié-Heleen 2009. (Re)storying the self: exploring identity through performative inquiry. South African theatre journal, 23: 94-115.
Coetzee, P.J. 1978. Literêrteoretiese beginsels wat dialog beheers in die drama, met verwysing na D.J. Opperman se Periandros van Korinthe. Unie, 75: 71-76. August.
Coetzee, P.J. 1983. Enkele gesigspunte oor die voorgeskrewewerk, Die pluimsaad waai ver – N.P. van Wyk Louw (Bitter begin). Unie, 80: 31-34.
Coetzee, Yvette 1998 Visibly invisible: How shifting the conventions of the traditionally invisible puppeteer allows for more dimensions in both the puppeteer-puppet relationship and the creation of theatrical meaning in Ubu and the Truth Commission. South African theatre journal, 12(1&2): 35-51.
COHEN, R. 1998. “25 years popular people's theatre”, in Cape Times, 18/9/98 p 20,
Cole, Catherine M. 2001. Africans on stage: studies in ethnological show business ed by Bernth Lindfors and The drama of South Africa: plays, pageants and publics by Loren Kruger. Reviewed in Theatre journal, 53(1): 179-181.
Cole, Catherine M. 2004. Theatres of truth, acts of reconciliation: the TRC in South Africa. In Conteh-Morgan, John & Olaniyan, Tejumola (eds). African drama and performance. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. p. 219-226.
Cole, Catherine M. 2007. Performance, transitional justice, and the law: South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Theatre Journal, 59(2): 167-187.
Cole, Catherine 2008. The rewind cantata. Theater, 38(3): 84-109.
Coller, H. P. 1988a. Ek, Anna van Wyk, deur Pieter Fourie. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 2(1): 75-77.
Coller, H.P. 1988b. Die potlooddief en die engel deur A.S. van Straaten. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 2(1): 72-74.
Coller, H.P. 1994. Onderhoud gevoer met die dramaturg Pieter Fourie. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 32(2): 70-83.
Colleran, Jeanne Marie 1988. The dissenting writer in South Africa: a rhetorical analysis of the drama of Athol Fugard and the short fiction of Nadine Gordimer. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University. (Ph.D. thesis).
Colleran, Jeanne 1990. A place with the pigs: Athol Fugard’s Afrikaner parable. Modern drama, 33(1): 82-92.
Colleran, Jeanne 1995a. Athol Fugard and the problematics of the liberal critique. Modern drama, 38(3): 389-407.
Colleran, Jeanne 1995b. Re-situating Fugard: re-thinking revolutionary theatre. South African theatre journal, 9(2): 39-49.
Colleran, Jeanne 1998. South African theatre in the United States: the allure of the familiar and of the exotic. In: Attridge, Derek and Jolly, Rosemary (eds). Writing South Africa: literature, apartheid, and democracy, 1970-1995. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 221-236.
Collins, F. 1968. Barbara Kinghorn. Personality, 14-19. June 20.
Collins, F. 1971. Leonard Schach: backroom boy of the theatre. Personality, 55-56. February 26.
Collins, Jane 1999. King Lear in South Africa: an interview with director James Whyle. Shakespeare bulletin, 17(1): 35-37.
Combrink, A.L. 1985. Sociocultural and political values in selected plays by South African playwrights. Koers, 50(3) : 233-247.
Combrink, A. 1987. Shakespeare made easy, by Allan Durband. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 1(1):125-129.
COMBRINK, ANNETTE. 1986. The Power and Precision of a skillfully crafted Miniature: Geraldine Aron’s playwrighting. Durban: Unpublished paper delivered at the AUETSA conference.
Combrink, Annette L. 1987. Seven plays and four monologues, by Geraldine Aron. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 1(1):130-132.
Combrink, Salome 1988. Drama as registreerder van laat twintigste-eeuse stadsproblematiek. Fasette, 7(2): 42-45. December.
COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY. 1977. See Niemand Commission.
Computer controls live theatre lighting. 1970. South African electrical review, 61(629): 32. October.
Conradie, P.J. 1962. Noodlot in die dramas van Leipoldt – ’n verdere poging. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 12(1): 20-25.
Conradie, P.J. 1969. Afrikaanse dramaturge. Teater S.A., 1(3): 2-3.
Conradie, P.J. 1974. Hoe om ‘n drama te ontleed. Pretoria: Academica.
Conradie, P.J. 1978. Drama uit vaderlandse en Bybelse geskiedenis. [Literary criticism]. Standpunte, 31(2): 32-39. April.
Conradie, P.J. 1980. Betrokkenheid in ‘n paar onlangse dramas. Standpunte, 33(2): 57-64.
Conradie, P.J. 1982. Op die grense van die drama. Standpunte, 35(2): 67-75.
Conradie, P.J. 1982. Mag en onmag van die woord in die dramas van Henriëtte Grové. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 20(4) : 44-52.
Conradie, P.J. 1984. Literêre kritikus en die drama. Standpunte, 37(3) : 22-27.
Conradie, P.J. 1984. Eenheid van handeling en tyd – klassieke en moderne benaderings. In: Malan, Charles (ed.) Spel en spieël : besprekings van die moderne Afrikaanse drama en teater. Johannesburg: Perskor. p. 17-22.
Conradie, P.J. 1985. Die literere kritikus en die drama. Teaterforum, 6(1) :73-90.
Conradie, P.J. 1990. Syncretism in Wole Soyinka’s play The Bacchae of Euripedes. South African theatre journal, 4(1):61-74.
Conradie, P.J. 1991. P.C. Schoonees en die Afrikaanse drama van die twintigerjare. Tydskrif vir letterkunde, 29(1): 76-83.
Conradie, P.J. 1996. Debates surrounding an approach to African tragedy. South African theatre journal, 10(1):25-34.
Conradie, P.J. 2000 Tragic conflicts in three African plays. South African theatre journal, 14:129- 45.
Conradie, Piet & Blumer, Arnold 1985. Die literêre kritikus en die drama. Teaterforum, 6(1) : 82.
Constantly filled Space. 1972. Artlook, 5(12): 22-24. December.
Conversations with Breytenbach. 1978. Scenaria, April/May:40-41.
Conversations with giants: Athol Fugard. Dramatists Guild quarterly, 27(4): 6, 15-24.
Cooke, Roy H. 1946. How the scenic artist is coming into his own. Outspan. 40(1035): 49. December 27.
Coplan, David 1987. Dialectics of tradition in Southern African Black popular theatre. Critical arts, 4(3): 5-27.
COPLAN, DAVID. 1987 Retying The Bloodknot: Fugard on Broadway, South African Theatre Journal, 1(1):114-7
COPLAN, David B. 1994. In the time of cannibals: The Word music of South Africa’s Basotho Migrants. Chicago: Univesity of Chicago Press.
Coplan, David B. 2008. In township tonight! :South Africa's black city music and theatre. 2nd ed. Chicago, IL :University of Chicago Press.
Cornell, C. 1988. Cape Town scenes: using short plays in class. Crux, 22(2): 4-9. April.
Corporate sponsorship of the arts. 1981. Scenaria, (26): 27. The Corsair Drama Group and Siener in die suburbs. 1978. Scenaria, (9) : 37, 39.
Cosser, Michael 1991. Dramatic discourse in the foreground of The Hill. South African theatre journal, 5(2): 66-79.
TIM. 1985. The New Africn: A Study of the Life and Work of D.I.E. Dhlomo. Johannesburg: Ravan Press.
Couzens, Tim 1988. A moment in the past: William Tsikinya-Chaka. Shakespeare in Soutern Africa, 2: 60-66.
Coveney, M. 1973. Challenging the silence (interview). Plays and players 21 (2):34-37.
Cox, Anna. 2003. Civic Theatre boom sparks exciting plans for the area. In: Saturday Star, March 8, 2003: 5.
Coyne, Pareick 1988. Play production in the primary school. Crux, 22(4): 2-10. October.
Crail, Archie 1993. In search of a character. Canadian theatre review, 74 : 73-77.
Crake, A.M. 1986. The Port Elizabeth Opera House : the architect’s view. Scenaria, (62) : 13-15.
Crake, A.M. 1986. The Port Elizabeth Opera House : the architect’s view. Scenaria, (62) : 13-15.
Creux, A. 1965. Shakespeare at Maynardville. Lantern, 15(1): 55-59.
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Crisis of African theatre. 1973. Business South Africa, 8(4): 32-33. April.
Crisis of African theatre: discussion. 1973. Business South Africa, 8(5): 7.
Croft, Adrian 1987. Interesting new development in Local Black Theatre. Pretoria News, February 27, 1987 (Interview with Gibson Kente).
Cronjé, D.C. 1986. NDP wys sy slag in die toneelwereld. Paratus, 37(1) : 60-61.
Cronjé, G. 1967. Dramakuns naas woordkuns en dramawetenskap naas literatuurwetenskap. Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe, 7: 446-454.
CRONJÉ, G. 1971. Die Drama as Speelstuk. Johannesburg: Voortrekkerpers.
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Cronjé, J. 1972. Gerhard Beukes gehuldig. Taalgenoot, 41(2): 11. January.
Cronjé, M. 1974. Drama en die opera as onderskeie kunsgenres met besondere aandag aan Shakespeare en Verdi. Humanitas, 2(4): 425-429. Crous, E. 1985. Plesierige paar : [Rika Sennett en James Borthwick]. Sarie, 142-143. November 6.
Crous, E. 1985. Donkerkop het durf. [Golda Raff]. Sarie, 36-37. December 18.
Crous, M.L. 1991. Karakterisering in Christine: ’n Jungiaanse perspektief. Literator, 12(3): 103-110.
Crow, Brian 1996a. Athol Fugard and the South African ‘workshop’ play. In Crow Brian . An introduction to post-colonial theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 96-111.
Crow, Brian 1996b. ‘A truly living moment’: acting and the Statements plays. In Davis, Geoffrey V. & Fuchs, Anne (eds.) Theatre and change in South Africa. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishing. p. 13-24.
Crow, Brian 2002. African metatheater: criticizing society, celebrating the stage Research in African literatures, 33(1): 133-143.
Cruywagen, Eben 1999a. Dance, media entertainment and popular theatre in South East Africa, by David Kerr. Reviewed in: South African theatre journal, 13(1&2):197-202.
Cruywagen, Eben 1999b. Luister-leer: die opvoedkundige moontlikhede van die hoorspel in Suid-Afrika. Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbsoch. (D Phil-verhandeling.)
Cruywagen, Eben 2002. African broadcast cultures. Radio in transition, edited by R. Fardon & G. Furniss. Reviewed in: South African Theatre Journal, 16:230 – 240.
Cruywagen, Eben 2002. Report on the Klein Karoo Natikonal Arts Festival (KKNK) 2002. South African theatre journal, 16: 190 – 191.
Cruywagen, W.A. 1985. Windybrow : Pact’s new home in Johannesburg. Scenaria, (50) : 3-4.
Culture is breaking out all over: a rush of opera houses. 1967. Construction in Southern Africa, 12(6): 71-79.
Curtain call – theatrical photography. Creative photography, 5(11) : 23-28.
Curtis, Stephen 1979. The playwright’s dilemma. Scenaria, (15): 3.
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