ESAT Bibliography L-Laz
Labuschagne, Christina Elizabeth Magdalena 1994. Hamartia as tragiese begrip aan die hand van enkele Afrikaanse dramas. Pretoria: Universiteit van Suid-Afrika. (M.A. thesis).
Lack of stage facilities. 1941. Forum. 4(14): 18 and 4(15): 18. July 5 and 12.
Lack of theatres. 1941. Forum. 4(20): 14. April 16.
Laidler, Percy Ward 1926. The annals of the Cape stage. Edinburgh: William Bryce.
Lane, Laura 1988. The politics of South African theatre. Lake Forest College. (B.A. thesis).
Lang, R. 1964. Moira Lister: South African actress of many talents. Personality, 60-62. December 24.
Lang, R. 1966. Patrick Mynhardt, actor extraordinary. Personality, 39-47. October 13.
Lang, R. 1968a. Design for two [Aubrey Couling and Raimond Schoop]. Personality, 144-148. November 7.
Lang, R. 1968b. Enter the king [Joe Stewardson]. Personality, 120-127. June 20.
Lang, R. 1968c. Jong kunstenaars in aantog. Sarie Marais, 20(2): 124-125. July 31.
Langenhoven, C.J. 1974. Versamelde Werke ("Collected Works"). In 16 volumes (volume 8 contains his plays). Cape Town: Tafelberg. (First published 1933)
Langton, Robert Gore 1986. Macbeth’s Barclaymoan. Plays and players, (399): 14-15.
Larlham, Daniel 2007. Transforming geographies and reconfigured spaces: South Africa’s National Arts Festival. TDR, 51(3): 182-188.
Larlham, Daniel 2008. Sizwe Banzi is dead. Reviewed in Theatre journal, 60(4): 659-661.
Larlham, Daniel 2009. Brett Bailey and Third World bunfight. Theater, 39(1): 6-17.
Larlham, Peter 1981. Black Performance in South Africa. New York University: Unpublished Ph.D Thesis.
Larlham, Peter 1981. Festivals of the Nazareth Baptist Church. TDR, 25(4): 59-74.
Larlham, Peter 1981. Isicathamia competition in South Africa. The Drama Review, 25(1): 108-112.
Larlham, Peter 1985. Black theater, dance, and ritual in South Africa. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press.
Larlham, Peter 1991. Theatre in transition: the cultural struggle in South Africa. The Drama Review, 35(1): 200-211.
Larlham, Peter 1992. The impact of the dismantling of Apartheid on theatre in South Africa. South African Theatre Journal, 6(2): 43-48.
Larlham, Peter. 1993. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: reflections on the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, July 1-11, 1993. South African Theatre Journal, 7(2): 85-100.
Larlham, Peter 1995. Journey to Grahamstown: the 1995 Standard Bank National Arts Festival. South African Theatre Journal, 9(2): 103-116.
Lashgari, Deirdre (ed.) 1995. Violence, silence, and anger: women’s writing as transgression. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia.
Laughing when it hurts. 1998. Economist financial report, 349(8088): 96-97. October 3.
Law, Robin 1987. In township tonight! South Africa’s black city music and theatre by David B. Coplan. Reviewed in: The Journal of African History, 28(3): 468.
Lawrance Anne 1978. Mime and the actor. Scenaria, April/May: 13-15.
Lawrence, J. 1974. South Africa’s leading lady, [Janet Suzman]. Fair lady, 10(1): 108-116. March 6.
Laws, Page 1996. South Africa through the prism: festival in Grahamstown, 1996. New Theatre Quarterly, 12(48): 390-393.
Lazarus, L. 1987. Black theatre, dance and ritual in South Africa, by Peter Larlham. Reviewed in: South African Theatre Journal, 1(1): 133-135.
Lazarus, L. 1987. In township tonight! South Africa’s black city music and theatre, by David B. Copland. Reviewed in: South African Theatre Journal, 1(1): 136-137.