J.H. Malan

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(1874-1961) Journalist, editor and playwright.

Born Jan Hendrik Malan.

He was the editor of the Dutch-English newspaper Het Zuid-Westen in Oudtshoorn for many years, till he was forced to resign over political differences with the directors. He was followed as editor by C.J. Langenhoven.

He was also the author of the book Boer en barbaar, of, Die lotgevalle van die Voortrekkers viral tussen die jare 1835 en 1840. (Potchefstroom : Het Westen, 1913 )

His contributions to South African theatre

As journalist and editor he was a supporter of the debating societies and cultural life in Oudtshoorn, and reviewed such activities during his time with Het Zuid-Westen.

His writing included a number of little satiric plays or dialogues, such as Die Toekomstige Planne ("The Future Plans", 1908), Moloch (under the pseudonym "Ou Knolkool", 1910) and In die Koffiekamer ("In the Coffee Room", 1911).


Correspondence from Sandy Rowoldt Shell (PhD, University of Cape Town)Wednesday, June 18, 2014.

Letter from J. H. Malan (from Potchestroom on Het Westen – official organ of the SA Party notepaper) to GEC 19.7.1913 (a manuscript letter in the Cory Library, Rhodes University, Grahamstown: MS 1450.

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