Op Dees Aarde
("On This Earth" – but related to the expression of surprise in "What on earth?" - Afrikaans) by Reza de Wet.
A gothic play about the spirit of a deceased sister, who died in illicit childbirth, who returns home on every birthday, to the delight of her mother and brother, and despair of her two "ugly" sisters.
First published in Vrystaat Trilogie ["Free State Trilogy"] in 1991 (HAUM-Literêr).
First performed by PACT in 1986 under the direction of Sandra Kotze.
Performed as Op Dees Aarde – 'n Plattelandse storie by TEATERteater at the Aardklop festival 2012 and KKNK 1023. Produced by Hugo Theart, directed by Marthinus Basson, with Wilna Snyman, Joanie Combrink, Alida Theron, Ludwig Binge and Karli Heine. Designer Marthinus Basson, Assistant-director Hugo Theart, stage manager and lighting designer Jaco Van Wyk, assistant stage managers Stefan O'Connor and Heinrich Botes, production assistant Gabi Immelman, costumes Artscape Wardrobe, with Penny Simpson as costujme coordinator, assisted by costumiers Eva Parsons, Gabieba Isaacs and Effendi Davids
Marisa Keuris 2006 Die rol van die sprokie in Reza de Wet se Op dees aarde (1987), Stilet 18(1):39-50
KKNK programme, 29 March-6 April 2013)
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