Der Ring

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The shortened title for two theatrical works:

A play by Friedrich Ludwig Schröder.

A comedy in four acts by Friedrich Ludwig Schröder, based on The Constant Couple (full title The Constant Couple, or A Trip to the Jubilee) by George Farquhar.

The play

Translations and adaptations

A German translation and adaptation of The Constant Couple (full title The Constant Couple, or A Trip to the Jubilee) by George Farquhar. First performed in 1783 in Vienna. (He also translated Farquhar's sequel, Sir Harry Wildair, as Der Ring, oder die unglückliche Ehe durch Delikatesse).

A Dutch translation of the German version appeared some time in the early 1800s.

Performance history in South Africa

1836: A Dutch translation (De Ring) produced in Stellenbosch on 4 June 1836 by Door Yver Vruchtbaar, with as afterpiece De Wonder Doctor (Molière).


Norbert Greiner, Lach-und Sprachkulturen: Socio-kulturelle varianten bei der Überzetsingen englisher Lustspiele ins Deutsche im 18. Jahrhundert in Europäische Komödie im übersetzerischen Transfer (edited by Fritz Paul, Wolfgang Ranke, Brigitte Schultze): p. 46 - Google Books[1]

F.C.L. Bosman, 1928: P.255.

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An opera cycle by Richard Wagner (

Shortened title for Der Ring des Nibelungen, a cycle of four epic operas by Richard Wagner (1813–1883).

The cycle

The works are based loosely on characters from the Norse sagas and the Nibelungenlied. It is often referred to as the Ring Cycle, Wagner's Ring, or simply the Ring.

Written over the course of 26 years (1848-1874), The Ring was first performed as a cycle as opening production for the first Bayreuth Festival in 1876.


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