Young Artist Awards

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The Young Artist Awards were started in 1981 by the National Arts Festival to recognise emerging, relatively young South African artists who have demonstrated exceptional ability in their chosen field. These prestigious awards are presented annually to deserving artists in three to four arts disciplines, affording them national exposure and acclaim. Winning artists, as part of their award, are given the opportunity to perform, direct or exhibit on the National Arts Festival's main programme.

In 1984 Standard Bank took over the sponsorship of the awards in 1984 and have presented the Standard Bank Young Artist Awards in all the major arts disciplines over their 30-year sponsorship, as well as posthumous and special recognition awards. The winners feature on the main programme of the National Arts Festival, Grahamstown and receive financial support for their Festival participation, as well as a cash prize.

A key award is the one for drama, and winners over the years include ** and Sylvaine Strike (2006), Greg Homann (2013)


Artslink News National Arts Festival 10/16/2013 [1]

National Arts Festival, Grahamstown Web site:

For more information

See also Five Roses Young Artist Awards, Standard Bank Young Artist Awards and Grahamstown Festival

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