Salome Dans!

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Salome Dans!, a play in three acts by Gerhard J. Beukes. Awarded the Hertzog Prize for Drama, 1952. Published by Van Schaik, 1950.

Produced by Volksteater in 1952, with Andries Brink as Herod, Adriaan Muller, Hannes Venter, Gwynne Ashton and Petra van der Walt and Leonie Ross alternating as Salome. Decor and installation W.R. Phillip and Andries Beetge, costumes H.D. Ross, J.E. McKillop and Cecilia Steyn, lighting George Wiggell.

Beukes was awarded the Hertzog Prize for Drama in 1952 for Langs die Steiltes, Salome Dans! and As ons twee eers getroud is.


Helikon, 1(6), 1952.

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