Brent Meersman

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(196 - ) Journalist, photographer and theatre critic. Born in Cape Town in 1967. His first job was as a news photographer in 1989 at the height of the turbulence that saw the closing days of apartheid. In 2003 became the performing arts critic for the Mail and Guardian covering theatre, opera, ballet and dance.

Brent Meersman has had an eclectic career, spanning the arts, commerce and political arenas. He is a compulsive traveller; at last count he'd been to 50 countries and travelled around all the continents, including the Antarctic. Since 2003, he writes for the national weekly, the Mail & Guardian. He has written extensively for New Africa Analysis magazine, London, reviewed work for the BBC and the London Financial Times, and contributed to the Sunday Independent, Business Day, The Witness, Cape Times, Die Burger, The Weekender, The Wry Republic, Politicsweb, and as a M&G Thought Leader. Meersman is also on the editorial board of Critical Stages, the journal of the International Association of Theatre Critics.

His first novel, Primary Coloured, was published in 2007, followed by Reports Before Daybreak; and his latest novel Five Lives at Noon will be published in June 2013. Meersman’s poetry collection Ophila and the Poet and other poems (2010) includes poems that have appeared in New Contrast, New Contact, Botsotso, and Green Dragon. His short stories have appeared in What Love Is (2011), and his first published story was in The Invisible Ghetto (1993).

Sources [] Saturday, April 06, 2013

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