Veronica Bowker

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(19**-) ** Lecturer and critic in the Department of English, University of Port Elizabeth (later part of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University) during the 1980s and 1990s. Her masters and doctoral theses were both focussed on aspects of the plays of Athol Fugard, i.e. The playwright as social commentator with special reference to Athol Fugard's 'A lesson from aloes' (M.A Thesis , University of Port Elizabeth, 1983) and A Cultural Studies Perspective on Representation in a 1990s South Africa, with Specific Reference to Academic Transformation at the University of Port Elizabeth and the Work of Athol Fugard (D.Litt. Thesis, University of Port Elizabeth, 1997).

Her later work has tended to be more in the field of prose.


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