René van Zyl

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René van Zyl is a journalist, pedagogue and children's worker, as well as a novelist, playwright, theatre director.



Born René Joubert in Pretoria on 26 February 1965, she attended Baillie Park Laerskool and the Hoër Volkskool Potchefstroom (1972-1982) then attended the Noordwes University (1983 – 1986), completing a BA Communications (Hons) specializing in media studies and journalism.

She began her professional life as a journalist/ public relations officer for various companies (1987-1997), then settled in Hartebeespoort where she began to work with children at the Hartbeespoort NG Church (1998-2008), continuing with these activities at the Kuierkerk in the same town.

In 2006 she created Bybelboekwurm, an association that creates curricula and games for children's churches and the training of youth workers, and in 2008 she started the production company: Christian Musical Theatre (CMT)., for which she wrote and co-directed various plays/musicals.

In April 2008 she attended a Masterclass in Story, Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting with Robert Mc Kee at Westminster University, London. This led to a career as novelist, beginning with the children's tale The Wee Monk’s Tale, The Secret of Immortality (self published in 2009) and leading on to more than 20 published books, among them two conspiracy novels, Die Alfadokument and Die Omegakomplot as well as various romance novels and two adventure novels for the teenage market.

In 2016 and 2019 she attended two ATKV/LAPA writers workshops (the romance novel and the youth novel)

Married to Anton van Zyl, minister at Kuierkerk, an informal and independent Christian Church in Hartbeespoort, the couple have three children, Michelle (28), Chantal (25) and Sean-Jacques (30).

Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance

She has been active in Christian puppet theatre, seeing it as a way to teach small children about the word of God. She is also a playwright of interdenominational Christian musical plays with a humoristic twist. The musicals have been performed at the Kuierkerk annually since 2008 and are done as community theatre events, utilizing modern-day themes/music. Among them have been:

at the Kuierkerk, and have modern-day themes/music. eg. Mamma Mia, a Child is born (love story - Mary and Joseph); and: Joseph and his amazing blue suede shoes; and A new day has come, a Passion play - in 2011: Samson, Lion of God with the music of Queen! And in 2012 I wrote: King David and his eight wives with the music of Simon and Garfunkel as well as Shania Twain. These plays teach people something from behind the scenes of the Bible stories! I write and co-direct the plays. I've written and staged 9 musicals over the last 9 years. I have written a medieval teenage adventure novel, Wee Monk's Tale, the Secret of Immortality and its screenplay. Just waiting for Pierce Brosnan or Mel Gibson to pick it up and make the movie in Ireland!, among them have been

Mamma Mia, a Child is born, (December, 2008)

Joseph and his Amazing Blue Suede Shoes (April, 2009)

Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again (December, 2009): Die liefdesverhaal van Josef en Maria, herskryf om die verhaal van Johannes die doper en sy gesin in te sluit - met die musiek van Abba.

2010 (April) A New Day Has Come, a Passion Play: Die verhaal van Jesus se gesin, veral sy twee susters wat tydens die Paasfees in Jerusalem opeindig. Die een suster raak verlief op die einste Centurion wat Jesus se spykers sou inslaan. 'n Verhaal van vergifnis en opoffering. Met die musiek van Celine Dion - pragtige musiek met diep geestelike simboliek in.

2011 (April) Samson, the Lion of God: Die verhaal van Simson, sy gesin en sy liefdeslewe. Met die musiek van Queen (Ja, glo dit as jy wil, hier gebruik en Queen se musiek om die Evangelie te verkondig - dit was 'n heerlike mallemeule van aksie, humor en energie.)

2012 (April) King David and his eight Wives: Die verhaal van Koning Dawid en die lief en leed van sy vrouens, sy verhouding met die bose koning Saul en sy oorwinning en sy swakhede. Met die musiek van Simon and Garfunkel/ Shania Twain/Laurika Rauch.

2013 (Mei) Esther, Queen of Persia. Die verhaal van die kuise Joodse meisie wat in 'n dinamiese koningin verander wat haar volk red. OOk die lief en leed van haar ouers en die Paleispersoneel word vertel - met die musiek van Adele en Roxette.

Dit klink dalk vir jou vreemd maar dit is 'n heerlike moderne Bybelse ervaring wat mense met nuwe oë na die Bybelse helde kyk. Jy kan ook so iets opvoer met Christelike musiek as jy sou wou.


CV provided by René van Zyl

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