SA Shorts

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SA Shorts is the encompassing performance and publication title for a series of six ten minute plays by various authors.

The full published is: Shorts for a Microwave Generation. A UJ Arts & Culture Collection

The original collection

Written for University of Johannesburg (UJ) students to perform at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown. A call for unpublished ten minute plays was sent out and thirty-five play texts were received. Six were selected and performed, and those texts were later published by Junkets Publisher as Shorts for a Microwave Generation. A UJ Arts & Culture Collection (Collected Series No. 5).

The works included are: Losing the Plot by Anthony Akerman, The Opening by Rob K. Baum, Dance the Dance by Tristan Jacobs, Metaphorically Speaking by Zanandi Botes, Kill Me, Please! by Rhea MacCullum and Wave by Renos Spanoudes and Alby Michaels.

Performances of the programme as a unit

2012: Performed at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown in July by UJ stuidents, directed by Alby Michaels, assisted by Motlatji Ditodi and Rethabele Mothobi, woth designs by Wilhelm Disbergen, management by Jade Bowers, technical operation by Sizwe Moloko and Onkgopotse Nene.

They then played at UJ Arts Centre for a short run in August.

For any performances of the individual plays, see the entry on each.


SA Shorts, Quickies for a Microwave Generation, What I do, see, hear, eat and drink. (Posted on August 3, 2012 by moirads)[1]