Not in the Book

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Not in the Book is a comedy by British playwright Arthur Watkyn (alternative name: Arthur Watkin [1]) (1907-1965).

The original text

First performed at the Hippodrome Theatre, Bristol, 1958. Published in Plays Of The Year Vol.1, Elek, London, 1958.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1959: Presented by the Brian Brooke Company in association with Ivy Tresmand opening 5 January 1959 at the Brooke Theatre, Johannesburg.

1974: Presented by Pieter Toerien in association with Duncan C. Weldon, Paul Elliott and Herbert de Leon at the Civic Theatre, Johannesburg (opening 4 October) and the Nico Malan Theatre in 1974. Directed by David Poulson, starring British actress Avril Angers, Robin Hawdon, Richard Burke, Ivor Salter, Wilfred Hyde-White (colonel Pickering in the film of My Fair Lady), Sydney Tafler, Richard Murdoch, Brian Tully. Lighting operator John Baker.


Doollee: The Playwrights Database [2]

Theatre programme for Brian Brooke production held by NELM: [Collection: ASCH, Valda]: 2005. 65. 1. 1.

Not in the Book theatre programme, 1974.

Tucker, 1997. 307.

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