First Millenium AD
±0-100 AD
Plays of Seneca written and performed. Presumed date of birth for Jesus Christ, who would become the founder and focus of the Christian religion in its many forms. Caligula and Nero rule Rome. Destruction of Jerusalem. Buddhism migrates from India to China. The Roman Empire extends to Scotland. Boreholes 2000 feet deep drilled in salt mines at Szechwan, China. Paper invented in China. Early Mayan style temples and pyramids in Uaxatún and Tikal, Maya Region. First library in Rome.
The Circensian Games evolve. Astronomical instruments enable prediction of eclipses and the water clock and writing paper developed in China. Ptolemy: Geographica, Galenus: Diversity of Temperaments. The Pantheon built. Romans explore China. Germanic invasions of the Roman Empire. Hadrian becomes emperor of Rome. Jewish insurrection in Egypt.
Hsieh Ho’s Six Canons of Painting laid down in China. Monte Alban and Teotihuacan in Mexico become classical cities. Development of fully fledged Mayan culture. The Basilica built in Rome. The Edict of Milan signed. Water powered stone saws developed. Bantu-speaking peoples move down eastern coastal belt to settle in what became known as the Eastern Transvaal loweld and Natal coast
Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh (or Mohammed) born in Mecca in 570 and goes on to establish the Islam as the dominant and uniting religion in the Arabian world by 632. The year of 622 becomes the first year of the Islamic calendar.
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