Orange Book
Orange Book is a site responsive peformance work by Charles Unwin ().
Created by Unwin in 2011 as part of his Masters Degree in Theatre and Performance Practice at the University of Cape Town.
According to the thesis, the piece was first scripted as a project for the MA and performed at the Rosedale Building, on the UCT Hiddingh Campus in May 2011. From there it evolved into a site responsive work being performed in various venues as different "editions": The Orange Book Farm Edition (at ZINK, Tamboorskloof, Cape Town); the Orange Book School Edition (the Rosedale Building, on the UCT Hiddingh Campus) and the Orange Book Infected Edition (Piazza Building on Church Square, for the Infecting the City performance festival, March, 2012)
The entire process was written up as a minor dissertation called Dramatization and Philosophy in Orange Book. Explication of a Site Responsive Performance Work and its Research.
Charles Unwin. 2012. Dramatization and Philosophy in Orange Book. Explication of a Site Responsive Performance Work and its Research. An unpublished Masters dissertation, University of Cape Town.[1]
Ruphin Coudyzer. 2023. Annotated list of his photographs of Market Theatre productions. (Provided by Coudyzer)