The Witch

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The Witch can refer to translations of either one of two plays:

Anne Pedersdotter by Hans Wiers-Jenssen (1866-1925)

Die Heks by Louis Leipold

is a play by Norwegian novelist, playwright, stage producer and theatre historian Hans Wiers-Jenssen [1] (1866-1925), adapted from the Norwegian by English poet and writer John Masefield [2].

The original text

Originally titled Anne Pedersdotter, and based on the tale of Anne Pedersdotter, who was burned as a witch in Bergen in 1590, the play was written by the Norwegian novelist, playwright, stage producer and theatre historian Hans Wiers-Jenssen [3] (1866-1925). It was first staged in 1908 by Halfdan Christensen on Nationaltheatret.

The Witch is a play by Norwegian novelist, playwright, stage producer and theatre historian Hans Wiers-Jenssen [4] (1866-1925), adapted from the Norwegian by English poet and writer John Masefield [5].

The original text

The original title in Norwegian is Anne Pedersdotter, (1908), first staged by Halfdan Christensen on Nationaltheatret. The play is based on Anne Pedersdotter, who was burned as a witch in Bergen in 1590.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1948: A Johannesburg Reps production in 1948 featured Johan Nell and Berdine Grunewald, also starring Doreen Mantle and Sam Moss.

1951: A Spotlight production of the play was directed by Johann Nell at The Labia Theatre, Cape Town, from 13 February to 3 March 1951, with Lydia Lindeque, Johan Nell, Percy Sieff, Owen Roberts and Disney Banks in the cast.


Helikon, 2(9):10.

Tucker, 1997.

NELM [Collection: SIEFF, Percy]: 2013. 25. 20. 1.

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