Top Girls

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Top Girls is a play by Caryl Churchill (1938-)[1]

The original text

The play is contemporary and examines the role of women in society and what being a successful woman means. First per4formed at the Royal Court Theatre, London, on 28 August, 1982, directed by Max Stafford-Clark. The production transferred to Joe Papp's Public Theatre, New York, for the American premiere in the same year.

The text first published by Methuen, London, Ltd in 1982, and in 1984 a fully revised, post-production version was published by the same publishing house.

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1997: Produced by the UCT Drama Department.

2002: Performed for Performance Studies practical examination at Rhodes University Drama Department.


Wikipedia [2].

Caryl Churchill. 1984. Top Girls. Published post-production text. Methuen, London, Ltd.

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