Man and Wife

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Man and Wife can refer to three plays:

Man and Wife by Wilkie Collins

Man and Wife[1] was Wilkie Collins's ninth published novel, first published in 1870.

It was dramatized and first performed at the Haymarket Theatre, London, in 1886, with Cora Urquhart Potter as "Anne Sylvester". The play was apparently a failure, even though Collins was charmed by the actress's performance.

No record of performances of the play in South Africa have been found to date.

Man and Wife by Somerset Maugham

Man and Wife was the original title gived to Maugham's popular play Penelope.

See the entry on Penelope

Man & Wife by Emma Goldman-Sherman

A play first produced professionally by the Desert Ensemble Theatre Company, in 2020



D.C. Boonzaier, 1923. "My playgoing days – 30 years in the history of the Cape Town stage", in SA Review, 9 March and 24 August 1932. (Reprinted in Bosman 1980: pp. 374-439.)

F.C.L. Bosman. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel II, 1856-1912. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik: p.393

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