The Heart of Midlothian

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The Heart of Midlothian is the name of the famous novel by Sir Walter Scott ()[], as well as a number of adaptations of it, or works based on the plot.

The title is also found in an earlier form as The Heart of Mid-Lothian

The novel

It was originally published in four volumes by Archibald Constable in Edinburgh on 25 July 1818 and is seen by many as Scott's finest work. It tells of Jeanie Deans, a young woman from a family of highly devout Presbyterians, who goes to London, partly by foot, hoping to achieve an audience with the Queen through the influence of the Duke of Argyll, to receive a royal pardon for her sister, who was unjustly charged with infanticide.

Stage adaptations

Many unlicensed adaptations of Scott's work produced for the stage after its initial publication. For example , according to Allardyce Nicoll (1930: p.93, footnote 5), 1818 saw versions by Dibdin, Terry, Dimond, Montague and Jervis, plus one by an anonymous author. In 1824 a version by Murray was performed in Edinburgh.

In addition, a number of authors, using alternative titles, also borrowed (sections of) the plot for - these include Filial Duty (McClaren, 1819), The Whistler (G.D. Pitt, 1833), La Vendéenne, an Italian adaptation by Paul Duport (first performed 24 July 1837) etc. .

Dion Boucault adapted the novel as The Heart of Midlothian in the 1860s.

Twice turned into the opera: La Prigione di Edimburgo ("Imprisoned in Edinburgh", 18**) by composer Federico Ricci (1809–1877) and Jeanie Deans (18**) by composer Hamish MacCunn (1868–1916)[] and librettist Joseph Bennett ()[].

The novel was twice filmed in 1914, once under the same name, and once under the title A Woman's Triumph and was filmed again as a made-for-television piece, released in 1966.

The Heart of Midlothian by Dion Boucicault (18**)

Jeanie Deans, an opera by Hamish MacCunn and Joseph Bennett

The original text

Jeanie Deans is an opera in four acts by Hamish MacCunn (1868–1916) set to a libretto by Joseph Bennett which is loosely based on Walter Scott's novel, The Heart of Midlothian and is named after its heroine, "Jeanie Deans". The opera was commissioned by the Carl Rosa Opera Company and first produced at the Royal Lyceum Theatre in Edinburgh on 15 November 1894[1] to great acclaim.[1]

Translations and adaptations

Performance history in South Africa

1878: Performed in the Theatre Royal, Cape Town, by Disney Roebuck and company on 5 June, along with "other attractions". The evening a benefit for Mr W. Robertson, the acting manager of the theatre.

1878: Performed in the Theatre Royal, Cape Town, by Disney Roebuck and company on 8 and 14 June, both times with Trial by Jury (Gilbert and Sullivan) and "Limelight Exhibitions outside the Theatre" on each evening.


Allardyce Nicholls. 1930 A History of Early Nineteenth Century Drama 1800-1850 (Volume I), Cambridge University Press[2]

F.C.L. Bosman. 1980. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel II, 1856-1912. Pretoria: J.L. van Schaik: p. 369

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