Animal magnetism

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Animal magnetism can refer to three things:

  1. Franz Mesmer's theory and its professional use in healing practices,
  2. Any of several exhibitions of Animal magnetism presented as theatrical events by showmen over the years.
  3. A play by Elizabeth Inchbald

Mesmer and the term Animal magnetism

Animal magnetism[1] is the English version a German term "Lebensmagnetismus", a concept evolved by the German doctor Franz Mesmer in the 18th century to refer to what he believed to be an invisible natural force possessed by all living things, including humans, animals, and vegetables, a force that could have physical effects, including healing. He tried unsuccessfully to achieve scientific recognition of his ideas. However, his treatments, referred to a "mesmerism", were to become the forerunner of hypnosis as a medical tool, a term given coined by the Scottish surgeon, James Braid, in response to an 1841 exhibition of "animal magnetism", by Charles Lafontaine, in Manchester[2].

The term is sometimes also found as a reference to Magnetoreception, the animal sense which detects magnetic fields to perceive direction, altitude or location, or metaphorically and colloquially, an individual's sexual attractiveness or charisma.[3]

Animal magnetism as a performance event

Exhibitions of Animal magnetism by "mesmerists" were presented as theatrical events by showmen over the years, from the very inception, in much the same way as various hypnotists would travel and display their skills at hypnotism as public performances, even to this day. Often part of vaudeville and music hall programmes, as well as afterpieces to plays.

Animal Magnetism as the name of a play

Animal Magnetism is farce in three acts by Elizabeth Inchbald (1753-1821)[4].

Also occurs with a subtitle as Animal Magnetism, or A Cure for the Hydrophobia.

The original text

First performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden in 1788(?).

Printed in Dublin, printed for P. Byron, Grafton street.

Performance history in South Africa

1831: Performed by All the World's a Stage under the management of Mr Booth in the African Theatre 29 October, 1831, billed as Animal Magnetism, or A Cure for the Hydrophobia. Served as afterpiece to Der Freischütz, or The Seventh Bullet (Weber).

Translations and adaptations


F.C.L. Bosman. 1928. Drama en Toneel in Suid-Afrika, Deel I: 1652-1855. Pretoria: J.H. de Bussy. [5]: pp. 217-8.

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