Peter Shaffer
Peter Shaffer(1926-2016)[1] is a British playwright and director.
For biographical details, see Wikipedia at
The South African connection
All his works have been performed in South Africa, and he has also visited the country on occasion.
As director
In 1964 he came to South Africa to direct a revival of Noël Coward’s Blithe Spirit, and the first presentation of his own double-bill of short plays (The Private Ear and The Public Eye) for Taubie Kushlick at the Intimate Theatre in 1964.
His plays performed in South Africa
The following plays have been staged one or more times in the country:
Five Finger Exercise, The Private Ear, The Public Eye, Black Comedy, The White Liars, Lettice and Lovage, Shrivings, Equus, The Royal Hunt of the Sun, Amadeus
Tucker, 1997
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