South African Theatre/A Chronology

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Admin: Temple Hauptfleisch

A contextualized chronology of South African theatre and performance

Compiled by Temple Hauptfleisch

Structure and use

The Chronology

Nineteenth Century


Luscombe Searelle begins his theatrical activities The rederykerskamer called Aurora ceases its activities for the duration fo Anglo-Boer War hostilities. The Nederlandsche Zuid-Afrikaansche Spoorwegmaatschappij is created to build a railway from Komatipoort to Johannesburg and Pretoria. 8 November 1887 - The Johannesburg Stock Exchange in established. Britain annexes Zululand, blocking the Transvaal’s attempts to find a route to the sea. Strindberg writes The Father and publishes Miss Julie. André Antoine opens Théâtre Libre in Paris. First Colonial Conference in London. Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee. Esperanto devised by Lazarus Zamenhof In Warsaw. Electricity introduced in Japan. Edison invents the motor driven phonograph, using wx cylinders. .


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